I am writing this post because I believe that politics are much too complicated to lump them into one or two categories. I find it almost impossible to embrace all of the political ideology of one or two political parties as well as the beliefs of one singular individual. I find it necessary to write out my beliefs because today I wrote when I was incredibly angry -- which is never a wise thing to do when situations are fluid and emotions sometimes cloud our better judgement. If anyone votes a straight Democratic, Republican, or Independent ticket, that indicates that said voter has not looked at all of the issues and is limiting themselves to what the leadership of the party they are voting for embraces -- which is often in direct conflict with that voter's best interests.
Even more importantly, when any candidate runs on a platform of refusing to compromise with the other party which is in power or hold the majority in the Senate or the House of Representatives hostage by refusing to compromise, this should send an instant flag to the voters that this is an individual that doesn't understand how our democracy works and they are not fit for office! Please allow me to offer an explanation as to why I take this position.
We all remember the Tea Party members and the Republican Leadership refusing to compromise on the debt ceiling and the budget. Their refusal to compromise severely undermined our nation to the point that it will take years to repair the damage, and some nations are likely to never forgive us for allowing that to happen. When our debt rating was lowered, trillions of dollars were lost in the International monetary markets. Nations that were both allies and enemies lost fortunes on placing their faith in the dollar and the American form of Democracy which they trusted -- not necessarily the politicians themselves, but our system that hadn't faltered in too many decades to mention.
Several members of the Tea Party and the Republican Leadership actually were guilty of "Economic Terrorism," and in this author's opinion, they should have been arrested and tried in court with the strongest penalty that the Rule of Law allowed imposed on them to ensure that no group of people would ever be able to blackmail our nation again. If it would have been a foreign power that would have done that to our nation we would have declared war on them so quick they wouldn't have had time to debate anything before the bombs began falling. Why then did we allow a group of seditious traitors to get away with holding our economy hostage because they couldn't get their own way by using the Democratic process?
Answer that question truthfully to yourselves and you will likely come up with the same answer(s) that we did. If you disagree, you are probably so far on the right that you will likely quit reading now or you already have.
Finally, before I spell out my political beliefs, there is one other matter that is tearing this nation apart. The Fascist Five at the United States Supreme Court have allowed Corporations to pour millions upon millions of dollars into our elections so that corporations and the 1% can control this nation. This was another act of sedition and treason and every American that understands our constitution is aware of it. I believe that the only reason they were not arrested and tried for sedition and treason is because the President feared that there would be a Civil War -- the same reason he allowed Tea Party members and the Republican leadership to extort our nation.
We do not negotiate with terrorists. With that thought in mind, why are we negotiating with Domestic Terrorists that have done more damage to this nation than all of the Islamic Terrorists put together? Why aren't we following the rule of law? We all know the answer but are too timid to state it publicly. We are afraid that the corporations and the 1% will buy their armies to begin a Civil War and that is wholly unacceptable! We are either a nation of laws or we are a lawless nation! Freedom was never free, and for those who are afraid of fighting for our freedom and liberty, then perhaps you need to leave this nation and find another place to live. We are reaching a period in our history where we either have to fight or be downtrodden even more than we are by corporate America and the 1% who will sit back in their gated communities and giggle and laugh as American blood is shed because they are treasonous to their very core. If we do not rid ourselves of this cancer that is taking over our nation then we might as well learn to speak Chinese, as the 1% and their followers are selling out our country lock, stock, and barrel. This is not an opinion, it is fact, and if I am challenged I can easily supply the links to substantiate every word that I have written.
Since I have turned this statement of my political beliefs into a lengthy essay I will break it down into two (2) parts. Hopefully, I will finish Part Two before the sun comes up; if not, it will be posted by Monday evening. Please contemplate what I have stated. I believe that it was us at the Political Bandit who first branded the traitorous bastards that were blackmailing our nation as "Economic Terrorists" and then members of the Democratic Congress and other political blogs began using the same terminology. Call it what you want, but Domestic Terrorists is what they are and how they should be treated.
In a footnote to President Obama, we can fight them now while we still have the strength to win or we can allow this cancer to fester and risk losing the entire nation. It takes a strong President to make strong decisions, and so far, the only strong decision I have seen you make was killing Osama Bin Laden and I give you props for that! You need to be strong in far more matters than that, otherwise your presidency will be remembered as a lost eight years which the enemies of freedom will use to overtake this once great nation.
Send the Moneychangers back their pieces of silver and become Presidential again! If you fail the American people now you may be dooming this country to fascism and authoritarian rule. President Obama, to quote the most hated President in United States history, you are either for us or against us! The choice is yours. Is that how you want America's first Black President to be remembered? If you care about your legacy, then please care about the American people, Liberty and Freedom, and remember that freedom never has nor it will it ever be Free.
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