What if a pro-peace candidate running for either the US House or Senate proposed the following to his/her voters? Would people listen? Would it get their attention?
1) The bloated defense budget is robbing you everyday citizens of your money and your future. War is making us poor!
2) I will slash defense spending and stop the endless wars.
3) I will rebuild the US economy around peace.
4) Every citizen -- man, woman and child -- will receive a $25,029 refund of the money taken from them for unnecessary wars and wildly excessive military spending. This refund will be spread out over four years.
5) A family of four will receive $25,029 tax exempt four years in a row.
6) This refund will be paid for by reducing military spending, tax reform, peace bonds and issuing domestic-use only Peace Dollars. The refund can be spent on whatever a person chooses, within the borders of the US.
What do YOU think?
Looking forward to honest and constructive feedback.