LaUra Schmidt and Aimee Lewis-Reau with Michael Dowd Co-founders of the .Good Grief Network. converse with host Michael Dowd in the Post-doom conversation series. Timecoded table of contents will be added ...
(Image by YouTube, Channel: thegreatstory) Details DMCA
Genuine gurus are hard to come by. And on second thought, that's not what I'd call these folks, but rather awakened humans with deeply rooted thoughts, emotions, and the kind of backgrounds that it takes to "be spiritual." Which I think at this point applies to most of us. I've posted far more climate change and civilization debacle pieces than I care to think about. An OEN friend of mine sent me this and I finally watched it last night. I MOST HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT. Don't be put off by the comparison to AA steps, they don't go "religious" on you.