The fact that Wall Street and other corporate executives are not
only allowed but helped in gaining so much from the general public while they
generally thumb their nose at the general public is not the problem, though it
is symptomatic of a serious problem. The fact that more and more people
continue to lose so much ground is not the problem, though it is symptomatic of
a serious problem. The fact that our elected officials (the representatives of
the people of society) are not just emissaries but employees of those
contributing vast amounts of money to their livelihood is not the problem,
though it is symptomatic of a serious problem. I could go on almost endlessly,
but the point is that these are effects of our problem.
They are symptoms of an enacted
belief by the majority of society, which has become institutionalized in
society's systems, that self-interest (which includes special interest) is
paramount and correspondingly that success in life is measured by the size of
one's material gain. That is to say, they are symptoms of a wrongly purposed economic
system becoming infused into every aspect of life in society, most notably government ,
and, of course, the conduct
of business .
In regards to the system of
government, when wealth becomes so concentrated and elected officials become so
money dependent, the conduct of government unavoidably moves increasingly in
favor of the wealthy. In effect, the very wealthy become the overlords
of society .
Today we are clearly operating
according to a set of beliefs that is antithetical to the advancement of
democracy and the development of people. The fact that we have elections--that
we are allowed to vote--is not necessarily sufficient to ensure democracy is
operative and thus ensure freedom from oppression. Voting when you have little choice
does not equate to participation in choosing who will represent you.
Occupy Wall Street could
provide the finger-snap that will awaken people in society from their hypnotic
sleepwalk through life.
Oh you say people are awake,
they aren't sleepwalking. Really! As noted by Charles
Blow , "most Americans now say that the fact that some people in the U.S.
are rich and others are poor does not represent a problem but is an acceptable
part of our economic system." This is a manifestation of the unquestioned
belief that material self-interest is paramount.
How often do people think the
same thoughts in the same way they've always thought about them? How often do
they listen (without judgment) and seek to understand? How often have they
actually explored perspectives that are not consistent with their view of how things
are without ignoring that of the other through the beliefs they hold so dear?
Thinking is not merely a rearrangement of thoughts!
How often do you actually
critically think about your thinking? How often do you explore and challenge
the beliefs and assumptions that are the foundation of your beliefs, thoughts
and actions? How often have you actually improved the way you think and what
you think about?
Those protesting the injustice
and unfairness of the way things are in society are providing a wake-up call to
everyone--just as the Vietnam and civil rights protesters did before them. The
Occupy Wall Street protest must keep the focus on changing the system and not
follow the suggestion of what many pundits and news anchors offer, fixing on
"a simple demand" and/or forming or becoming aligned with a political
party. Either one of these would limit the scope and make for colonization of
the message and turn the conversation more divisive.
The way things are is the
result of a system of orientation that has ordered life in (our) industrialized
society for quite some time. Thus its underlying assumptions and beliefs are
hidden well below the surface of everyday experience. Since these have reached
their extreme and have become massively destructive, they need to be brought to
the surface for conscious exploration by an awakened, critically thinking mind.
To detach our self from our thoughts, as Mahatma Gandhi said, "is the
prerequisite for effective involvement." Gandhi noted that attachment to
our opinions often distorts our thinking--it keeps us from engaging the power
of critical thinking.
This is not a left-right issue
or a political party issue, but a very human issue! We must break away from the
habit of thinking in either/or
terms --such thinking leads
to fear and diminishes understanding. It is time that we wake up to the
fact that we are all the same: human beings seeking to live a fulfilling and
meaningful human life. It is not the time--and it is not clear when it ever
is--to recoil
against ideas intended to help everyone. We are so deeply connected that
when others are unjustly treated we all suffer. Yet, because of an attachment
to individualism as our guide, we are unable to understand our interdependence
and connectedness. We must cease believing that it is all about me having
mine so to hell with we.
What is a sure fire way to keep
things as they are? Continue to reinforce the primacy of the individual over
the collective--keep people thinking in either/or terms. Incite people to fear the
bogyman by creating stories about those who aren't members of their group.
This keeps people fearful and reactive thus stopping them from thinking and
actively listening (without distortion and judgment) to the ideas of others. So
the focus of attention turns toward demonizing others and, most importantly,
away from collaborating with others toward fundamental system change. Yes, this
is all part of keeping people from coming together to solve the problem, thus
ensuring things continue as they are.
It is time to let go of the
thought that you are of this party or that and to embrace the fact that you are
at base a human being and to acknowledge that each and every "I
" needs a vibrant "we'.
What we need is to develop as a
society of people toward becoming a human-centered society--a viable society.
This requires a viable
citizenry , which can't be realized as long as the system fundamentally remains
as it is.
My educational background includes a Ph.D. in Organizational Studies, an M.A in Statistics and a B.S. in Mathematics/Education. My experience in business and industry is as extensive as it is diverse, having held positions across the full range of (