A Word from the Old School
Remember 1968? At the Democratic Convention in Chicago, thousands of idealistic people, certain of the righteousness of their cause, assembled in Grant Park. They were a peaceful, intelligent group, intent on demonstrating against the Vietnam War, against war itself, and for the peaceful resolution of political hostilities. Mayor Daley opposed them, characterizing them as unruly and unpatriotic, dirty hippies, and other epithets. The Chicago Police Department followed his lead, and turned out en masse to "control the crowd". When the police tried to clear the park, the confrontation started to get ugly. Paper bags of human excrement began to fly into the ranks of cops, and potatoes studded with razor blades followed. Soon the peaceful demonstration turned into a head-beating rout. Not only youthful demonstrators, but journalists and others were swept up in the violence, and the melee began to be felt on the convention floor. Daley was swearing at the Democratic nominee at the podium and later declared, "The police are there to preserve disorder", perhaps revealing an anguished and excited state of mind resulting from the conflict. Much later, it emerged that GOP instigators at the behest of Karl Rove and others were said to be responsible for the objects thrown at police.
So people, when you set out to fix broken political institutions, remember that revolutionary activity is vulnerable-- susceptible to sabotage, subterfuge and even takeover. We have already seen infiltration of the Occupy movement and other groups by state-sponsored agents and political operatives. Make your identity peaceful, employ the word "evolution" to replace the connotation of violence and disorder which accompanies the word "revolution", and don't allow your group to be co-opted by any other factions. Our cause is the restoration of law and order after the implementation of torture and incommunicado imprisonment. Back in the 60's "Law & Order" was the cry of the establishment. Now it can be used by the proponents of ethical and sane government toward the furtherance of the inexorable process of evolution. "Progress Is Our Most Important Product".
Remember 1968? At the Democratic Convention in Chicago, thousands of idealistic people, certain of the righteousness of their cause, assembled in Grant Park. They were a peaceful, intelligent group, intent on demonstrating against the Vietnam War, against war itself, and for the peaceful resolution of political hostilities. Mayor Daley opposed them, characterizing them as unruly and unpatriotic, dirty hippies, and other epithets. The Chicago Police Department followed his lead, and turned out en masse to "control the crowd". When the police tried to clear the park, the confrontation started to get ugly. Paper bags of human excrement began to fly into the ranks of cops, and potatoes studded with razor blades followed. Soon the peaceful demonstration turned into a head-beating rout. Not only youthful demonstrators, but journalists and others were swept up in the violence, and the melee began to be felt on the convention floor. Daley was swearing at the Democratic nominee at the podium and later declared, "The police are there to preserve disorder", perhaps revealing an anguished and excited state of mind resulting from the conflict. Much later, it emerged that GOP instigators at the behest of Karl Rove and others were said to be responsible for the objects thrown at police.
So people, when you set out to fix broken political institutions, remember that revolutionary activity is vulnerable-- susceptible to sabotage, subterfuge and even takeover. We have already seen infiltration of the Occupy movement and other groups by state-sponsored agents and political operatives. Make your identity peaceful, employ the word "evolution" to replace the connotation of violence and disorder which accompanies the word "revolution", and don't allow your group to be co-opted by any other factions. Our cause is the restoration of law and order after the implementation of torture and incommunicado imprisonment. Back in the 60's "Law & Order" was the cry of the establishment. Now it can be used by the proponents of ethical and sane government toward the furtherance of the inexorable process of evolution. "Progress Is Our Most Important Product".