It's finally happened
One star into another
Two bad ideas head-on
Two bullets
Two birds distracted by the power-wash collide
This was never supposed to happen
The hell it wasn't!
I am sick of signs
Like their cutting down the osprey's tree
Sick of saying I told you so
But I can't help myself
Now there is nothing but signs
Now if I throw a rock up
It may come down in your world
If I shout it may take a year for you to hear me
Now I am writing against the hiss of a power-wash
They are washing everything again
Trying to remove the grimy stain of truth
But it's not a stain
It's a reflection
They don't know
That everything holds together for a reason
And only when the reason fails
Will light and shadow disassemble
As when the thread of a stitch rots
And releases the fabric of appearances
Only then will there fall a rest
(The power-washers will take a break
For the rest of this eternal day)
Now we might hear the clairvoyant whistle of a hawk
Or the whisper of the wind in the pines
Or the murmur of a brook
Or the bark of a lonely dog
Or the sound of our own heart
Beating into the singularity
Of loving space to dream anew
(Article changed on Jan 30, 2025 at 10:24 AM EST)
(Article changed on Jan 30, 2025 at 10:25 AM EST)