The Age of Peace 2050 Project
When this project is completed a World of Peoples assured the Universal Bill of Human Rights is humanity without war living in the Age of Peace.
Thirty-six years to avoid World War III and the Age of Catastrophe to follow is in the balance.
Where to start:
Believe: Hard as it might be, imagine a world without war. Einstein said, "To imagine is everything". Let's learn the lesson.
Justice the answer to war is a humanity freed from the unnecessary sufferings of war. Not utopia, for law breaking, unjust law to be made just and evil will always be with us. The rule of law in a world without war, humanity living in the Age of Peace. Justice democratically derived one vote one person a universal human right. Justice theologically sound is the essence of Love applied.
See, understand: Just as slavery, women's inferiority, and many other beliefs were once accepted as part of the natural order of things, so yet is war. That war is inevitable a deeply ingrained belief and one that addresses a basic psychological need? Safety. War or law in which do you trust?
Imagine: Imagine a civilization in which basic human rights are assured every citizen. This is a civilization in which injustice is not allowed to fester, this fester a breeding ground for the rage that feeds war. A civilization in which poor men fight rich men's wars, is no longer needed, the god of war put to rest. The warrior sworn to serve justice.
The Times We Live:
The winds of war, Tennyson, the poet's vision in Locksley Hall, "Far along the world-wide whisper of the south-wind rushing warm", "And there rain'd a ghastly dew", a warning among so many other warnings of a humanity in grave danger of WWIII and the Age of Catastrophe to follow.
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