"Not-Seeism: A dangerous state of denial where, despite all of the evidence, people insist on not seeing the obvious truth."
-- Swami Beyondananda's Political DictionaryThe upwising continues, and the "irony curtain" is becoming more transparent than ever. The veils are being lifted on the "security state", the cancerous growth that Dwight Eisenhower warned us about more than half a century ago that has all but taken over our government and governance.
Bush or Obama, whoever is at
the helm of the American empire, is ultimately answerable to the same dark
lords. Swami put it a bit more bluntly four years ago when it became apparent
that Barack Obama's allegiance was with the banking industry: "The empire
has a new face, but it still has the same big fat ass."
So ... America is waking up left and right, even as the mainstream media continues to distract and divert, willfully ignorant that we stand at a most significant moment in modern American history.
Edward Snowden
stepping forward to expose the NSA's comprehensive surveillance measures is
America's Tiananmen Square moment.
He has had the courage to put himself in front of the biggest tank in the world -- America's military industrial complex.
Naturally -- or unnaturally -- most of the pimps in the so-called "press" have either focused on Snowden's pole-dancer girlfriend or dismissed him as one of those tinfoil-wearing Ron Paul supporters. The dismissal attacks have begun, and this is how violence is done in the "soft totalitarian state" we live in now. If character assassination works, it's less messy than the other kind, right? (Of course, the other kind is still an option, just in case.)
That's why the likes of Jon Stewart , Stephen Colbert, and Bill Maher are so important today. By "pumping ironies" and speaking truth through humor, they are shining light on the endarkened corridors of power, and are using laughter to awaken a body politic that has hit the snooze button way too often.
Interesting to remember that one of the first things Hitler did when he came to power was round up and imprison the cabaret comedians. Humor is the ultimate weapon of mass-deconstruction with the power to break any totalitarian trance.
From Nazism to Not-Seeism
So let's fast-forward 80 years, as the dark forces that
embodied as Nazism have a new enabler ally -- "Not-seeism."
My wife Trudy was born in Germany, and came to the United States at the age of three. She returned there in her late teens for a year to live and work. As she began to reacquaint herself with family members, she felt bold and comfortable enough to ask them the difficult questions: How was it that the Holocaust could happen? What had they known? What had they done?
Most of them replied, "We heard rumors. We were told it was American propaganda, and frankly to believe anything else would have been unthinkable."
I recall a conversation several years ago where a woman was being told about some nefarious doings on the part of our government. She got very huffy and defensive and actually said, "Well ... it may be true, but I don't believe it."
And there we have it, folks.
That is what is holding our current political "reality" together. It's hanging by a thread. Or actually, hanging by a "threat."
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