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American Politics Realigning? Walz and Vance Might Be More Similar Than You Think

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Mike Rivage-Seul
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Something important and promising might well be happening in American politics. At the popular level, working class folks are expressing their deep discontent with a system run by octogenarians who serve their donors rather than the American taxpayer. The latter has come to realize that Democrats and Republicans have formed a kind of Uni-party beholden to the rich and powerful rather than to their plebian electors.

Strange to say however, both parties have shown faint signs of perhaps recognizing that truth and its devastating consequences for them at the voting booth. The Republican Party has selected a presidential candidate (Donald Trump) who talks a good game in terms of rebellion against the status quo. At the same time, the Democrats have set aside their senile superannuated "leader" (Joe Biden) in favor of a much younger black woman (Kamala Harris).

The truth is however that the policies of neither Trump nor Harris promise much difference in terms of changing the given order as far as international relations are concerned. No matter who's elected, genocidal support for Zionism will remain a cornerstone of our country's foreign policy. The war in Ukraine will continue it seems "to the last Ukrainian." And America's "diplomacy" will still prioritize war, sanctions, and regime change over peace-seeking diplomacy and dialog. All of that will continue unabated.

Nevertheless, Kamala Harris' selection of Tim Walz as her running mate and Donald Trump's choice of J.D. Vance as his offer strong indications that something new might be afoot for 2028. Both Walz and Vance are far more thoughtful than Harris or Trump. In fact, both vice-presidential candidates might be more war averse and friendly to the working class than their mentors.

Tim Walz

That's clear to most in the case of Tim Walz. As Minnesota governor, he has distinguished himself as a progressive. Among other legislative achievements, he signed bills that :

  • Made access to abortion easier
  • Provide free breakfast and lunch to all school children
  • Offer free college tuition for families with incomes of $80,000 or less
  • Curb greenhouse gas emissions
  • Moved towards establishing a public healthcare option within the MinnesotaCare system
  • Restored voting rights to decarcerated felons
  • Vastly increased Minnesota's spending on housing to prevent homelessness, expand homeownership opportunities and provide rental assistance to thousands of households.

J.D. Vance

As for J.D. Vance, his populist credentials might be less evident.

Still, according to American lawyer and political commentator, Robert Barnes, J.D. Vance might well be "the most war-skeptical, pro-worker Republican office holder of the last 100 years."

Barnes supports this contention by citing (among other considerations) Vance's 2024 vote against a $95 billion Ukraine aid package. Vance was one of only 18 senators voting against it in a 79-18 tally. (Vance thinks Ukraine is Europe's problem and not that of the United States.) Barnes also points out that the Teamsters regard Vance as an important working-class ally.

As for intellectual influences on Senator Vance, here is a list provided by Politico's Ian Ward in his article "The Seven Thinkers and Groups That Have Shaped JD Vance's Unusual Worldview."

  1. Catholic Social Teaching: Catholic social justice teachings (the "best kept secret of the Catholic Church") emphasize community, workers' rights, and environmental protection. The most famous examples of such teachings are found in the encyclicals of Leo XIII (Rerum Novarum 1891), Pius XI (Quadragesimo Anno 1931), John XXIII (Mater et Magistra 1961), John XXIII (Pacem in Terris 1963), Vatican II (Gaudium et Spes, 1965), and Pope Francis (Laudato Si 2015).
  2. Sohrab Ahmari (co-editor of Compact Magazine): Also emphasizes Catholic teachings regarding social justice.
  3. Peter Deneen (University of Notre Dame): Deneen holds that unfettered free markets with their emphasis on competition have undercut not only the American family, but communitarian values and the collective basis of our national life. Neoliberal economics need not only restraint but replacement.
  4. Brad Wilcox(BYU): Wilcox argues that women's entry into the workforce has been better for companies than for most women. The companies benefit from more and cheaper labor. Meanwhile many women end up hating their jobs. Too many also feel overworked because they typically retain responsibility for cooking, cleaning, and childcare when they return from the workplace.
  5. Peter Thiel (Hedge Fund Investor): Thiel warns against a technology that has too often shackled us as opposed to liberating us and building a better society. We need to get off our phones.
  6. Curtis Yarvin (American blogger): For Yarvin, American democracy has deteriorated into control by a corrupt oligarchy. Resolving such tendencies, he says, might entail installing a kind of dictator-- a nationalist CEO who would run the country like a startup business.
  7. Rene Girard (French historian and theologian): Girard holds that Christianity must be reinterpreted to recognize that the Judeo-Christian tradition is on the side of the poor and oppressed rather than the rich and powerful.


It's discouraging that American political discourse is overwhelmingly ad hominem rather than focused on the issues suggested by the policies of Tim Walz and the intellectual influences on J.D. Vance.

"Vance is weird." "Walz is a communist." "Trump's a fascist." "Harris is the product of DEI." "My audience crowds are bigger than yours."

Such immature schoolyard put-downs do nothing at all to address the real concerns of voters.

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Mike Rivage-Seul is a liberation theologian and former Roman Catholic priest. Retired in 2014, he taught at Berea College in Kentucky for 40 years where he directed Berea's Peace and Social Justice Studies Program. His latest book is (more...)

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Though I would never vote for a Trump-Vance ticket, J.D. Vance might not be as weird and threatening as the mainstream media would have us believe.

Submitted on Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024 at 12:48:31 PM

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Marta Steele

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Mike, Thanks for this well thought out and informative article! Re Vance though, I don't trust him as far as you can throw a feather. Look how completely he reversed his attitude towards Trump and remember what Usha said about 1/6/21 not so long ago. Besides that, how empowered will Vance be once Project 2025 becomes the new constitution? Will the dear leader remember or care that he exists? Remember what DT said about the importance of a running mate not long ago-- not! That's my take. Your thoughts?

Submitted on Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024 at 1:39:20 PM

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Reply to Marta Steele:   New Content

Haley and others seem to be criticizing 45 for his ad-hominem mouthings, complaining that it's no way to win votes; do you think they see an opening for themselves as the Republican replacement-candidate?

Submitted on Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024 at 3:35:04 PM

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Mike Rivage-Seul

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Reply to Peter Barus:   New Content

Personally, I can't see 45 being replaced at this late date. But either way, the ad hominem schtick is becoming unbearable. No one ever gets around to the real issues, which Bernie says should lead to "boring" exchanges.

Submitted on Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024 at 5:14:41 PM

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Marta Steele

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Reply to Peter Barus:   New Content

Dear Peter,

Trump, as leader of the GOP, would buck a lot more violently than Biden did. I can't see him stepping down without a cataclysm or even violence.

Submitted on Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024 at 5:47:51 PM

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Blair Gelbond

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I think it is increasingly likely Trump will step down. First, there is his psyche - and terror re- being a loser. He equates this with tremendous humiliation and death. I can imagine him leaving the race rather than "a fate worse than death,"

Then, there is the increasingly desperate republican party, whose operatives, I would guess, will play a powerful role behind the scenes. I do not believe they will tolerate the possibility of losing. What they will do remains to be seen. An "October surprise?"

On the other hand, Trump is less running for president than running to stay out of prison. And what of Vance?

Submitted on Thursday, Aug 22, 2024 at 9:46:16 PM

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Mike Rivage-Seul

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Good take, Marta. I'm becoming less and less tolerant of Vance as I see and hear more from him. But then the mainstream media is so anti-Trump (a condition that I share btw) that it's hard to separate fact from misrepresentation. I was just trying to combat the drive to divide the working class to prevent us from seeing that we have more in common than what separates us. I doubt that the real powers that be will allow a truly pro-labor candidate from reaching the highest offices in this country. They're all working on behalf of a failed state.

Submitted on Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024 at 5:08:08 PM

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Marta Steele

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Reply to Mike Rivage-Seul:   New Content

Dear Mike,

Good points-- my question is, given his capriciousness, how long will Vance stay pro-labor?

Submitted on Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024 at 5:52:15 PM

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I don't know, Marta. I tried unsuccessfully to relocate Alexander Mercouris' interview with Robert Barnes. Barnes gave lots of information about Vance that I haven't seen anywhere else. But here's a much shorter comment.

And then there's what Politico's Ian Ward says about Vance on "Democracy Now." Ward's throw-away lines about "Catholic social teaching" caught my ears, as did his reference to Rene Girard who is important to theologians of liberation. (Vance newly converted to Catholicism just 5 years ago.)

Again, I'm no fan of Trump or Vance. But I find the possible points of convergence interesting in light possible alliances between now polarized members of the working class.

Submitted on Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024 at 6:37:13 PM

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Interesting about the possible working class alliance. For the rest, I don't see Vance as associated with it. Other leadership certainly. Who?

Submitted on Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024 at 7:40:06 PM

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Peter Barus

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I think the antics of the VP candidates are "performative" as they say these days, totally meaningless. As are their respective influences or voting records.

I agree, the current crop is appealing to the vast majority's deep misgivings. But it's all misdirection.

VP candidates that portray some character are sought after, for the same reason 45 rose to power after his second campaign: the paradigm had shifted under our feet.

In the new paradigm, "Shock and Awe" (that dick Cheney's legacy) garners most attention (the new source of political power), and like any addictive substance, each dose must be more shocking-and-awing than the last, to compensate for the body's rising tolerance for abuse.

The con-tenders emulate their successful adversaries, with small stylistic variations, while matching the techniques that damaged them the most in the last round. They are playing to win at all costs. Dignity is up for grabs.

AI is a player now. But I don't expect a Singularity any time soon. Remember that old scifi fable, was it Rod Serling, where the Bell System got so complex it woke up?

AI is much too valuable now as a non-human (read, legally exempt) surveillance machine. The Internet of Things (IOT) and the major "social" platforms already provide it with open access to every aspect of our lives, moment by moment (the meaning of "Large Language Model").

The system metes out subtle Skinnerian rewards and punishments, through "targeted ads," herding a reliable percentage of "consumers" (and voters) this way and that. Mostly so the "media" can keep interviewing each other and still get ratings.

But I mean, have you seen cable news lately? If AI is training itself on that stuff, and the Singularity happens, it will achieve sentience in a vegetative state.

By the way, couple of other points...

"Disinformation," "misinformation" and what's the other one, mal-information, are just euphemisms for disliked or unwanted information, but nobody's paid any attention to any information since about 2014.

Well, thanks for asking. I love your writings, always deeply considered and thought-provoking.

Submitted on Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024 at 3:31:27 PM

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Reply to Peter Barus:   New Content

Great comment as usual, Peter. And of course you're right about performance. It's all so out-of -touch with voters real (often unconscious) concerns. Misdirection, as you say. Then once in office, the pols forget about us for another four years. The system is totally busted. Meanwhile China somehow remains an island of tranquility amid all the chaos. They'll win.

Submitted on Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024 at 5:18:00 PM

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Blair Gelbond

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All this discussion of voting, voters and candidates reminds me to recommend John Hawkin's piece, Rough Beasts Slouching: An Interview with David A. Hughes

--- dealing with "Wall Street, the Nazi's and the CIA." From my perspective it is important to begin to understand what is going on "in the depths."

Submitted on Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024 at 7:55:40 PM

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(Rough Beasts Slouching, con't)

'"Disinformation," "misinformation" and what's the other one, mal-information, are just euphemisms for disliked or unwanted information, but nobody's paid any attention to any information since about 2014.'

If Hughs is on target, we need to pay attention to both the scale and sophistication of the disinformation that is aimed at both our conscious and unconscious minds.

"We're seeing military grade propaganda used against the public, particularly during Covid 19....

"...as far as I can tell, the transnational deep state has successfully managed to infiltrate virtually all governments. It has control over the professions, and it is steering the course of world history at this moment in a very dark direction...

"Most people can conceive of telling lies on a relatively small scale, but they just can't conceive of lies being told on such a gigantic scale by so many major actors.

"So, you know, a couple of obvious examples. Anyone who's looked into the events of 9/11, seriously, will understand very quickly that we were told big lies about 9/11, that that event was fundamentally not what it was sold to the public as...

"The whole thing was just a grand deception. And when you realize that, you start to see that we're looking at military operations here because a key element of military operations has always involved deception. So, in my work, that's one of the things that I'm trying to convey and educate people about is just the sheer scale of it...

Submitted on Thursday, Aug 22, 2024 at 2:19:09 PM

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A key question is: If in fact Harris/Walz are elected, what will their relationship be to the Deep State? Just peanut-buttering a feel-good (?) veneer over harsh realities? Time will tell. If past predicts future, it will be more of the same.

However, if they actually begin to rock the boat - as one possibility, opening the door to disclosure of the ET presence and the "truth embargo" (a primary obsession of the deep state) - what consequences are they likely to face...and if they are truly savvy, how might they proactively deal with these? On the one hand this seems unlikely; on the other, there are vast energies surrounding planet earth at this time which suggest that re- the future, all bets are off.

Rough Beast Slouching:

"So, what we see is that, one profession after the next, after the next, after the next, bent the knee in 2020 and went along with the official version of everything [re- Covid-19]. And what this led to was a real civilizational crisis, in my opinion, whereby academics refused to challenge it, and thereby were not telling the truth and were not thinking critically...

"When you consider what kind of techniques they are employing today based on, for example, behavioral psychology, which is now very big in government and which can potentially be embedded through smart devices, as well as conventional televisions and radio and so on, the potential for controlling human thought and the human mind is absolutely enormous...

Submitted on Thursday, Aug 22, 2024 at 2:41:32 PM

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Rough Beasts Slouching: An Interview with David A. Hughes // OEN

In the midst of the hopeful exuberance of the DNC convention --- still - the need for "eternal vigilance" - and more...

...His new book: Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State, was published on June 4. In it he elaborates on what he sees as a global plan by transnational elites to establish a technocratic totalitarian system of control that supersedes liberal democracy.

"What the book does is to identify continuities from the Nazi era via what I call the transnational deep state, which has been carefully incubated for many decades since the end of World War II, through to the present.

"I try to make the case that in some ways, the Nazis weren't defeated in 1945, and that some of the worst elements have persisted undercover ever since then, carefully coordinating and scheming their plan of attack against the rest of humanity...

"'Conspiracy' is...a term... weaponized by the CIA in the 1960s to try and discredit doubters of the official version of events regarding the JFK assassination. Unfortunately, it's been a very successful propaganda term for many decades, and it's often still sufficient to close down discussion and debate...

Submitted on Wednesday, Aug 21, 2024 at 3:16:58 PM

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"It's precisely because this transnational deep state has sought to remain hidden and, in the shadows, and has used deception to cover its tracks that much of what we know about it has only started to emerge in relatively recent times...

"The worst horrors of Nazi Germany, for example, the Holocaust, the war of annihilation in the East, the medical experimentation and all of that, didn't take place until the final years of the Third Reich. However, there was a long period from 1933 to, say, the beginning of the war or 1941, perhaps, a period of at least six, seven, eight years where this totalitarian state was being built in multiple ways...

"What I'm arguing in the book is that we are seeing something very similar since 2020, in terms of the kinds of measures that are being put into place, the kinds of policies that are being passed, and indeed the reemergence of some of the some of the quite dark elements from Nazi Germany."

Submitted on Wednesday, Aug 21, 2024 at 3:17:54 PM

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Mike Rivage-Seul

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Blair, I just finished the Hughes interview. Fascinating. Thanks for putting me on to it. For a long time I've been convinced that Hitler (or at least Nazism) won the Second Inter-capitalist War. For instance, here's something I wrote more than 10 years ago. In fact, in 1993, I wrote an "easy essay" (in the spirit of the Catholic Worker's Peter Maurin) on the topic. For capitalists THE ENDURING ENEMY (since the publication of the Communist Manifesto) has been socialism. Practically all U.S. interventions, regime changes, and wars can be understood in those terms.

Submitted on Wednesday, Aug 21, 2024 at 5:18:02 PM

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Reply to Mike Rivage-Seul:   New Content

Thanks, Mike. I will read your material.

In light of the Hawkin's piece (and there is corroborating additional evidence), I believe we must not only think about the actions of separate, discrete countries (like the U.S.), but need to take the transnational elite and their agendas into account as well.

Submitted on Wednesday, Aug 21, 2024 at 7:12:16 PM

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