Not content with spending the nation's treasure and lives on military misadventures, militarists continue to denigrate anyone who questions their war-mongering views and the facts of the Bush regime's handling of Iraq. It's a pattern that keeps repeating itself as they constantly work to undermine the goals of democracy and the Constitution "" in their contempt for peace and rational discourse.
The hateful attacks of groups like Move America Forward and their Congressional co-conspirators ensure that many more troops will die in the months ahead.
Warmongering journalists naively believe that we are in a "Global War on Terrror"- (GWOT) against the multi-religious people of the world. They implore us to turn a blind eye to the destruction of imperialism in their "love of American values"- while turning those same values "" peace, justice, liberty "" on their heads.
They murder our nation by ignoring evidence of detainee torture, abuses on U.S. bases, and even war crimes brought forward by military leaders. Their current attacks are on soldiers who dare to bring charges of treason against their Führer.
In this regard, these groups have a lust for war that cannot be shaken. They more resemble the terrorists they claim to hate. It should be no surprise that they cry out that good citizens and honest media are "attacking troops"- and giving "our enemies exactly what they want."-
They are the ones who lead the hateful attack on journalists, peacemakers and the faithful of this world while claiming bravery, integrity and patriotism.
But, this is to be expected by the wacko right wing. When has a fascist ever been reasonable when it comes to laws, democratic principals or human rights?
It's time to tell them that their nonsensible ravings do not speak for America or the world.