Obama had better start caring less about his “positive” approach and ‘reformist’ image and more about getting down and dirty where he needs to be to fight McCain. Maybe he will get dirty and maybe the right-wing media will accuse him of flip-flopping on being the Prince of Peace, but the pig (McCain) needs to be hit and hit hard….too bad who will like it.
The American public won’t vote for Obama if he doesn’t seem to have the ‘oomph’ to put forward his own slogans and his own hits back at McCain’s lies, slander and falsehoods. Too bad if Obama said he wanted to ‘get beyond ‘ all the negativism. Americans still respond to down and dirty…too bad, if Obama doesn’t want to lose he’d better ‘man up’ real soon.
Americans still want attacks and negative dirty-campaigning. McCain is doing it and it is raising McCain’s poll numbers. Obama, by being above it all, and failing to
strike-back will put McCain into the White House.
Remember what PT Barnum said, “nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people” …and remember how Hitler’s propaganda people knew that if anyone (in this case, Republicans) tell a lie long enough the public believes it.
This strategy of the politics of slogans, slander and ‘stupid’ plus his tactics of ‘pete-and-repeat’ have already worked to boost McCain. McCain sloganeered and out-maneuvered Obama on foreign policy and now on the red herring of offshore drilling.
McCain just keeps making up new lies and endlessly repeating slander, and the public is buying it all, while Obama sits back in wonkish reformism (admittedly good) and issues nice policy statements with no teeth to them….oh yeah, once in a great while he weakly attacks McCain, but not very much.
Now here’s one for Mr. Wizard:
Why the hell doesn't Obama put Hillary on the Ticket and since he doesn't seem to have the 'manhood' to fight McSlander's falsehoods and dirty dealing, unleash Bill and Hillary on Shame-us McBush-clone. If Obama doesn't come to his senses and pick Hillary he'll put McCain in the White House. McCain is gearing up his slime machine for 'streamlined assault'. Obama better have his own assault machine going or I guess the Democrats just want to lose. That's all I can figure out.