Virtue Signaling About Ukraine! Grab your Red/Blue Light Teeth Whitening Kit at naturalteethwhiteners. com/jp Check Out My Merch Here ...
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For what it's worth, here are a dozen or so random thoughts about the Ukraine mess -- and related virtue signaling:
Let's face it. The United States is not only hypocritical; it's the world's classic bully - a synonym for "coward." It's like the playground tough who fearful of a bloody nose has others do the dirty work for him. "Let's you and him fight," is the bully's refrain.
When you think about it, that's exactly what the United States and the gang of thugs called NATO are doing in Ukraine. They admit it's a proxy war. But our virtuous "leaders" know that a direct battlefield confrontation with Russia would be monumentally unpopular at home. (Imagine having to explain to American wives, children, parents, and grandparents why it's worth their loved one's death or maiming to bring "freedom" to a country more than 7000 miles away and which most would have difficulty locating on a map! It would be worse than Vietnam.)
Instead, it's better to have Ukrainian husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers die on our behalf. Yes: Let's you and him fight. Few of us would have it any other way.
What I'm saying is that in the final analysis, it's our permission, apathetic disinterest, and empty virtue signaling that has transformed the "land of the free and the home of the brave" into the land of cowardly and impotent bullies. I'm talking about you and me.
In other words, if we really believe that we're the ones at war in Ukraine and (as Joe Biden said) "Putin must go," then we should be willing to send our brothers, husbands, fathers, and uncles to die there, not Ukrainians. If we're young enough, we should be willing to enlist and put our own heads into the Russian meat grinder.
But would any of us do that? Why dirty our hands -- for what . . . Ukraine? Why should Americans die in the war planned for decades?
No: Let's you and him fight.
In the prolonged conflict in Ukraine, I've found that virtually the only completely informed, honest and balanced analysis derives from interviews involving Scott Ritter - the former Marine intelligence officer, Russia expert, and U.N. weapons inspector. Most others (i.e., all the mainstream media) are nothing but U.S., NATO, and Ukraine cheerleaders. Even the few who dare to speak out against "our" country's belligerent policies miss the big picture that Ritter sees.
Here's what he's saying now:
- Despite its undeniable battlefield successes, Russia is not winning in Ukraine.
- Russia had three clear objectives in initiating its special operation: (1) Free Ukraine's Russian-speaking populations in the country's southeastern region from attacks by the Ukrainian army which over the last six years have cost the Donbass more than 14,000 lives. (2) De-Nazify Ukraine which has incorporated card carrying, swastika-tattooed Nazis into its government and military forces. (3) Force the Kyiv government to drop its ambitions to join NATO - instead adopting a position of neutrality like Sweden once did
- According to Ritter, Russia will surely achieve the first objective. Its forces have surrounded Ukrainian troops in the Donbass in ever-tightening pincers. There, Ukrainians will be compelled to surrender or be annihilated. They have no other options.
- Russia success in Mariupol (a major Neo-Nazi center) has also removed from action many extreme right-wing cadres. It has achieved the same result in the Donbass where the Ukrainian army had been spearheaded by openly white supremacist, fascist troops. As already indicated, the latter are surrounded and trapped in what Russian military theory describes as an inescapable "cauldron." In other words, Ukraine has been or will be significantly (though by no means completely) de-nazified.
- However, the massive and unforeseen influx of U.S. funding and ordnance into Ukraine has rendered virtually impossible the achievement of Russia's goal of demilitarizing the country and forcing it into political neutrality. (After all, the $40 billion just authorized by Washington means that in just two months, Ukraine will have received dollar amounts exceeding Russian defense budgeting for an entire year!)
- This unexpected development means that even if Russia declares "mission accomplished," withdraws, and ends up controlling Donbass, Odessa, Crimea, and a few other cities and regions, it will always have to deal with a massively armed and NATO trained adversary threatening those gains.
- Russia's President Putin can counter such moves only by securing his Duma's permission to move from special military operation to all-out war against Ukraine. That's because his countermove would necessarily entail national mobilization including a military draft to increase Russian forces in Ukraine far beyond the 200,000 deployed there now.
- In Ritter's eyes, there's no way anything short of the latter change in strategy can lead to "victory."
- In other words, Russia will have won its battles but lost the war.
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