Shortly after Putin's invasion of Ukraine, both parties made the astute observation that his failed military operation was a direct result of his dictatorial management style and why he was now the victim of his own misinformation. Yet, both hypocritical parties made that same management blunder over the last 44-years (1978 - 2022) when they marketed Congress' 1978 Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA)/page 2 as bringing efficiency/accountability to the federal government. Instead, they deceived the American people by using that 1978 CSRA (lawless) law to create a politically loyal executive branch, like Putin, by replacing disloyal non-partisan/qualified government service (GS) civil servants, aka whistleblowers, with partisan/unqualified civil servants and both parties' politically connected contractors. How else did a 44-year/$30+ trillion debt spike occur, from a 1978/$789 billion low to its current $31+ trillion total unless Congress' (lawless) 1978 CSRA law did unconstitutionally rescind our Forefather's 1883 Pendleton Act, their U.S. Civil Service Commission (USCSC), and that had once qualified the "American people's" U.S. government as a democracy?
However, unlike Putin's state-controlled media that united the Russian people behind his lies, both parties created their own version of a state-controlled media with their 2 for profit politically/corporately controlled conservative (Republican) and liberal (Democrat) media sources of misinformation to cover-up their joint lawless/unconstitutional actions. Then, their 2 corporately controlled conservative/liberal media sources did not just "cherry pick" the truth to divide the American people over their hot button issues but then also no longer reported whistleblower stories because they exposed the gross untruths of both parties and their 2 politically/corporately controlled media sources. In other words, both parties had created 2 internal threats to the "American people's" democracy. First, Congress' (lawless) 1978 CSRA law unconstitutionally eliminated whistleblowers for rightfully questioning both parties' federally sponsored scam, aka their deregulation, privatizing, outsourcing policies. Second, starting in 1996, both parties also created their 2 politically/corporately controlled conservative/liberal media sources to no longer report whistleblower stories, just like Putin's Russian dictator, but still under both parties' charade as an American democracy.
This is also why, in 2005, when the illegal/unconstitutional retaliation, demotion, and firing of whistleblowers was so bad that 100 or so whistleblowers, civil servants and contractors, joined forces to lobby Congress to uphold their laws, like their 2 civil service reforms and 1989 Whistleblower Protection Act, to no avail. Those whistleblowers also met annually over the next 5 years to share their stories among themselves, with members of Congress, and the media to make public their stories to change the wrongheaded/unconstitutional direction of the U.S. government. But, Congress not only no longer enforced its laws but had already added 2 more levels of political appointees (discussed later) to allow the last 7 Presidents and future Presidents to easily end all levels of dissent from their executive branches' GS civil servant employees. In other words, the last 7 rogue President's (Reagan - Biden) executive branches no longer carried out the law (as legally required) but now broke the law and undermined the U.S. Constitution while the 22 prior Congress' also rogue members (95 - 117) allowed that undemocratic travesty to occur, and over the last 44-years!
Both parties inconvenient and unconstitutional success story led to the creation of their fully employed (unconstitutional) 2.1 million partisan/unqualified GS civil servants, lobbyists, politically connected contractors, liberal/conservative media sources, and more, and is now the root cause of today's untenable debt increases and high inflation rates! How? Both parties could now use their 2.1 million partisan/unqualified GS civil servants to rubberstamp the procurement of both parties' politically connected contractor's valueless/harmful corporate goods/services using the American peoples wasted $30+ trillion dollars. Then, their ill-gotten bootie was redistributed back to Congress, their lobbyists and the last 7 Presidents, their political appointees, and their politically connected contractors under the pretense of a strong economy, per their 2 politically controlled liberal/conservative media sources, and not for what it was, a 44-year federally sponsored $30+ trillion scam. The Restructuring the U.S. Government website includes 47 whistleblower stories that also now records how 27 departments, bureaus, and agencies no longer serve the American people's best interests, also why they were retaliated against, demoted, and fired for telling the truth, because they exposed both parties' federal scam.
The American people are still unaware of the internal threats that both parties pose to their democracy because, along with their Putin-like state-controlled media sources of inaccurate information, they have also abused their secrecy policies and even provided Wikipedia with false information to support Congress' 1978 CSRA, when there was none. The accuracy of this statement is confirmed in an OpEd News article, "How Both Parties Created a $30+ trillion Debt Spike, Unconstitutionally." The American people's inconvenient political truth is that their U.S. government no longer qualifies as a democracy, is unsustainable, and is the sole source of both parties' untenable debt increases, resultant high inflation rates, and their also growingly valueless dollars! Another OpEd News article, "An American Democracy With No Money (Audit) Trails?!" explains how the 46th President (Joe Biden) still hides how he spends the American people's tax dollars, and that has also occurred over the last 233-years (1789 - 2022) of the U.S. government's not-so-democratic operation, and hides as much as $2 trillion in political/corporate waste within the 2022 $6.3 trillion federal budget.
Whether this U.S. government collapses, survives, or even thrives again now depends upon both parties putting as much energy into recreating a better and stronger American democracy as the last 7 rogue Presidents and 22 prior rogue Congress' prior members have placed in destroying the "American people's" democracy. And then, to add insult to injury, despite having both parties defraud the American people out of $30+ trillion of their tax dollars, these same corrupt politicians and their politically connected contractors are still undermining the American people's privacy rights, environment, national security, financial/ economic security, health/well/being, and much more.
Maybe the time has come for the American people's demands for Congress' required 3rd civil service reform to create a bottoms/up democratic form of government to now manage both parties' rogue politicians and to get them out of the business of mismanaging the "American people's" democracy! This information is also discussed in the above 2 OpEd News articles.