Dear Hillary:
Do you REALLY want to help your party and your country? If so then stop sucking all the (financial/political) oxygen out of the system giving other (genuine) progressives a shot at the White House. And, considering the enormous political machine you and Bill now control, the only way for that to happen is for you to announce you are stepping aside, not running.
We know there's more political talent in American than just you to choose from. But your threatened candidacy means none of those potential new (21st Century) progressives can get traction with the party power brokers and contributors.
You had your chance in 2008, and you failed. Maybe you should have won, I don't know. Barack did not turn out to be as advertised. Would you have done us better? Don't know, but somehow I doubt it, considering the kind of folks in the financial services sector who fund and support you. But, having said that, 2016 is bridge too far out of step for a Hillary candidacy. Your time has passed.
Can you imagine the energy you would release in the coming primaries if you stepped aside? The Democratic Party has lost so many to disillusionment and a sense of betrayal over the past six years. A fresh, open primary can reinvigorate this moribund party.
Imagine the lively and fresh debates between new faces, with new ideas, new arguments, new approaches. Imagine how many now alienated voters, including independents, who will give the party another look, another chance. Out with the old. In with the new. Imagine it.
So step aside Hillary. There are plenty of innovative, thoughtful, talented progressives out there just itching to give us what wanted in 2008. But they will not even get a chance as long as you are blocking the door. Put the ego to bed Hillary, and put your party and country first.
I know how unlikely, and unlike you, it would be for you to put your own personal ambitions aside. But you've done a lot. You've done well, both politically and financially. Give others a shot. For once be selfless.