Senator Angela Giron and Friends on the day of ASSET Signing. by MikeJohnstonCO
The past few years have been really rough in Colorado. Fortunately, it looks like Colorado has turned a corner and is finally getting back on track. Though a lot of people deserve credit for engineering this epic turnaround, for Southern Colorado, one person's contributions stand out above all the rest, Senator Angela Giron.
From the very moment that Senator Angela Giron arrived in Denver, she began working tirelessly--and very successfully!--on behalf of the people she represents. Thanks to Angela, every politician in Denver is much better acquainted with Southern Colorado's unique challenges, as well as the best path to create the brightest future for all Coloradans. Also, due to Angela's unparalleled grit and determination, Denver politicians have an entirely new appreciation for the work ethic that Southern Colorado instills in its leather-tough residents and representatives.
Nobody in Denver works harder than Angela Giron. No one carries more legislation, pounds the pavement harder, knocks on more doors, or racks up more legislative victories than Angela Giron. Of course, many of Angela's legislative successes have been designed to improve the health, safety and success of all Coloradans. Thanks to Angela, our kids will be better protected from rampant gun violence. Thanks to Angela, Coloradans will have better-funded schools in their neighborhoods, and more access to higher education. Thanks to Angela, when our kids complete their educations they are going to find more and better jobs waiting for them in an energized economy.
The list goes on and on. Thanks to Angela, universities in Southern Colorado have been awarded their fair share of newly-available state funds for construction and deferred maintenance. This means tens of millions of dollars that will not only build much-needed new classroom buildings at CSU-Pueblo and Adams State, but this also means that Angela has helped to pump millions of dollars into the Southern Colorado economy that would otherwise, no doubt, have been snatched up by our neighbors to the north.
Extraordinary as Angela Giron's achievements have been, Angela has not allowed all of that success to swell her head, or divert her from her primary goal: to better serve the people and communities of Southern Colorado. For all of the good work that she has done and, believe it or not, for all of the even better work that Angela still plans to do, Southern Coloradans owe Senator Angela Giron a huge debt of appreciation.
Three cheers for Angela Giron, the hardest working senator in Colorado.
Keep up the good work!