It is very ironic that our present inflated gasoline prices have not been
addressed by our elected politicians in Washington D. C. In addition, the
Congress will be adjourning again for a Spring Break soon and will not be
available to address this issue that is raking the pocketbooks of our American
In the GOP controlled House of Representatives there have been no public
hearings relating to this gasoline issue. The same holds true in regard to the
Democratic Controlled U. S. Senate. What this tells me is that there is no
differences between the two major parties in this Nation.
In order to achieve a fair and "open" public hearing, these hearings should
also include consumer activist groups, Ralph Nader of Pubic Citizen
Organization, gasoline sales distributors, oil refinery managers or supervisors
etc--but not any of the oil executives in this Nation who know how to spin their
way out of their untruths. In essence subpoena the office managers, refinery
supervisors, accountants, who will not lie or spin the Congress or the Public.
The American People deserves answers and not spins that the "big shots" in the
Oil Industry now use.
The focus of this hearing should be addressed in regard to gasoline prices,
however, these hearings should also address the issue in regard to the present
sanctions that are now being carried out against this nation. This probe
should be conducted to determine if these Iran Sanctions are related to the
present hike in gasoline prices here at home today, do to the fact that Iran
imports huge quantities of "refined" gasoline from other Nations. In essence
has the world oil markets (Wall Street) have contrived to increase the cost of
gasoline to hurt Iran but at the same time is it also being subsidized by world
consumers to pay for this global foreign policy against Iran. It is also a fact
that our American gasoline consumers realize that there is no oil or gasoline
consumption going on in this Nation, because our gasoline consumption has been
down do to inflation and the present income gap between the rich and poor--and
therefore our oil supplies are now up today and that the higher gasoline prices
that we are confronting now are unjustified and should therefore be
investigated. The longer this Iran standoff continues to exist, there will be
more profits that will be inherited by the oil firms.
I therefore invite your attention to the very informative "Year 2009" web
link below that relates to the "refined" gasoline imports that are provided to
Iran. Please keep in perspective that the reason gasoline is imported to Iran
is that they do not have the refineries to refine their own gasoline because
they are using most of their resources recently to develop nuclear