Poster protesting coup and Tulsi Gabbard, Los Angeles Veterans Day 2019
(Image by Henry Samson) Details DMCA
Our country's celebrated Veteran's Day was a day when Americans from coast to coast came out of their homes to protest the U.S. Military-backed Pinochet-style coup against President Evo Morales and other democratically elected leaders and supporters of freedom in Bolivia. The same day, Los Angeles residents also saw Tulsi Gabbard speak to packed enthusiastically-cheering audiences in Los Angeles, CA. Bolivia has been a beacon of fair elections wherein the people have elected and re-elected Evo Morales by wide margins for four terms. Unlike the U.S. elections, Bolivia's elections and results results are triple- checked and verified and fully monitored. Bolivia has among the most accurate elections in the world. Though still in his third term until January, 2020, Evo Morales won a fourth term by a wide margin because of popular support from the people. How often does a U.S. President receive more than ten percent above his opponent in the popular vote? Despite international monitoring, triple-checking and verification of results, the USA and its pro-regime change surrogates are disputing the election, claiming irregularities---as in their candidate lost. To the USA and the OAS, a triple-verified democratic election is less democratic than forced resignation at gunpoint.
The U.S. and its capitalist pro-regime change surrogates in the O.A.S. are claiming that Evo's margin of victory was greater than the pre-election polls showed and this makes it irregular. Yet, Hillary Clinton was given the Democratic nomination in 2016 in spite of the fact that, not just the polls but the exit polls showed her opponent was actually more popular and the probable winner than she was in state after state. To this day, the DNC and Bernie Sanders have failed to acknowledge that Hillary's nomination was illegitimate. DNC hawks are now trying to overturn the general election of 2016 by impeaching Donald Trump for the misconduct of Joe Biden (not because of real impeachable offenses) ahead of the 2020 election.
In the United States, it is Tulsi Gabbard who has written legislation to make paper ballots the decider of all our elections. Jimmy Carter has said that it is impossible to verify U. S. elections because of all the irregularities here. In too many states, there is currently no way of verifying whether the votes that are counted in any way reflect the actual votes cast or the will of the voters. In the USA a vote for one candidate is too often counted as a fraction of a vote while votes for Establishment-backed candidates are counted as whole votes or double votes in the tabulation. A child can rig a voting machine in less than ten minutes in the USA. Voter fraud is especially rampant in states like Georgia and Ohio. And U.S. has the nerve to promote the violent overthrow of democratically elected governments in countries with verifiable elections because elite resource-stealing corporations don't approve of the will of the people in those other countries.
It is no wonder that, as human rights activists are mourning the violently-forced resignation of popular Bolivian President Evo Morales, Tulsi Gabbard (the only Democratic candidate standing up against imperialistic foreign policy) packed a Los Angeles auditorium on minimal notice and an earlier event the same day with no official notice to her supporters. Tulsi's scheduler likes to surprise audiences, supporters and volunteers with last minute decisions as to where Tulsi will speak. Imagine how much larger her audiences would be if her scheduler actually provided her supporters with sufficient notice of her events. As Tulsi went out on stage at both events, people shouted "Tulsi, Tulsi Tulsi." At the evening event, she was introduced by popular independent reporter Kim Iversen.
Tulsi is the only Democratic Presidential candidate who has expressed opposition to regime change wars, U.S. military-backed coups and sanctions. She has stood up for Freedom of Speech (First Amendment) which as part of the Constitution, should be a litmus test for anyone running for President. She is the only Democratic Presidential candidate who has spoken out in support of freeing Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning and of pardoning Edward Snowden. Every candidate and every elected official takes an oath to defend the Constitution. This means defending the F irst Amendment. One audience member pointed out that candidates failing to call for the freeing of Julian Assange have violated their oath of office and should immediately resign from Congress if they are currently in Congress.
As Americans fight for freedom and the right to have their votes counted in their own country, those who violently threatened, attacked and tortured democratically elected leaders in have the full support of our government which trained and backed those armed Bolivian military coup leaders, a repeat of September 11, 1973, Chile. Elected officials were dragged from their homes and told they would be burned to death if they did not resign. The opposition to Morales has burned down houses, including the family home of Evo Morales and his sister's home. The only way Morales could save the indigenous people and supporters of democratic socialism from being slaughtered like cockroaches was to resign, essentially at gunpoint.
Why did the people of Bolivia elect Morales for a fourth term? He has dramatically raised the economic status of everyone in Bolivia. He has stopped the theft of resources that his opposition plans to resume stealing. Bolivia is thriving, thanks to the policies of Evo Morales. Why does the USA Establishment hate Morales? He has stood up to U.S. imperialism, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. He has given Bolivia's resources and wealth back to the people, all the people of his country. In 2016, Morales befriended Bernie Sanders. Some hope that Bernie will return the support.
Like Morales, Tulsi has incurred the wrath of the Establishment for doing the right thing and standing up against U.S. election fraud. Hillary has called Tulsi a Russian asset for refusing to be part of the DNC's election fraud against Bernie Sanders in 2016. Tulsi (an active duty major) has dared to stand up to the U.S. military industrial complex and is a big threat to those who seek to steal American dollars from social programs to use in overthrowing democratically-elected governments. Hillary's conspiracy theory that anyone who dared to stand up against Hillary in 2016 is a Russian asset has the explicit support of MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, TYT and NPR.
The news media has refused to tell the truth about Tulsi and also about what is going on in Bolivia. MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, NPR and TYT have actively promoted Hilary's attacks on Tulsi as if calling military officers Russian assets is appropriate. At the Los Angeles evening Tulsi event, a photographer for ABC news harassed Tulsi supporters by sticking his camera close up in their faces over their objections. One of the Tulsi supporters the photographer harassed was physically disabled and objected three times to his filming her to no avail. In the case of Evo Morales, the mainstream media is refusing to report that his last election was triple verified, that his fourth term is not scheduled to start until next year and that extreme violence and terrorism is being perpetrated by his opponents on the indigenous people and other supporters of democratic socialism. Good people do not burn others to death or threaten to burn them to death or burn down their houses. But our country's School of Americans has trained coup leaders in other countries (like Boliva and Chile) to do just that. Watch the 1982 film Missing if you want to know what is happening in Bolivia. It is a repeat of the Henry Kissinger-Pinochet overthrow of democracy and its mass murder of innocent civilians, including American reporters. This is the sequel. The only difference is that, for the time being, Evo Morales is still alive. Salvador Allende was murdered in Chile in the same type of U.S. backed coup on 9/11/73.