A couple of days ago a satirical magazine called Charlie Hebdo published cartoons depicting supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in funny positions. The Caricatures were quite funny and telling .However, the geriatric ayatollah was totally pissed off.
The occasion was quite appropriate too .Three years ago Charlie Hebdo had printed caricatures of Prophet Mohammad. That bold move caused a crazy Muslim group to kill 11 members of the publishing company.
The caricatures of the Ayatollah caused Iranian foreign minister to summon the French ambassador to Iranian foreign ministry.
The Iranian foreign minister who is quite stupid and does not have a good command of English tweeted a harsh threat against France and its magazine. Since the entire Iranian media is under total governmental control, Iranian diplomats do not have a good grasp of freedom of press and they always think that the European governments have something to do in such events.
The walls of the streets in Tehran and other Iranian cities are full of comments against the Iranian government and the Ayatollah. However, since this event the pro government clowns have written insults against Macron on top of the older anti government slogans. It is interesting to watch the walls with two sets of opposing gratifies on them.
The cartoons themselves are quite funny and express our feelings artistically.
If the cartoons put a jab in the ayatollah's a** that is just fine. Especially for the families of 500 younger people who were killed and 18000 prisoners who are waiting to receive their sentence for participation in peaceful demonstrations.
(Article changed on Jan 06, 2023 at 5:45 PM EST)