The big breaking news, assuming we did not know it already, is that #TrumpTheFraud has nothing but contempt for a fair justice system, now irresponsibly accusing FBI Director James Comey of running a "rigged" investigation. We're actually surprised he didn't call him a stupid loser, the way he talks about everyone else.
This is the most compelling evidence yet that #TrumpTheFraud must never to allowed to make executive decisions that affect our national courts or prosecutors, for then they WOULD be grievously rigged, to obtain partisan political results.
If you actually want to stop him, one of the most powerful things you can do is join in propagating the Trump The Fraud counter-branding initiative.
And help spread the meme on all social media, especially on Twitter since he is so dependent on it to propagate his evil propaganda.
James Comey is one of the most respected officials in the entire government, a man of impeccable integrity, lauded by members of both parties for his unimpeachable straightness in all other matters. Anyone smearing him now, including the despicable statements by House leader Paul Ryan today, because they don't like THIS result condemns only their own judgment.
Every indication is that #TrumpTheFraud would by contrast appoint prosecutors to conduct vindictive and vengeful witch hunts against his perceived political enemies, which is to say anyone who disagrees with him in the slightest, even as he now viciously denigrates anyone who challenges him. How truly Republican of him.
What is especially despicable are those condemning Comey for patiently explaining for the benefit of the American people why career non-partisan prosecutors arrived at the decision they did, when if they had not they would have been been condemned even more by the same political operatives. It is precisely anticipation of their vile accusations today that forced his hand on public disclosure and transparency.
Without doubt #TrumpTheFraud would appoint judges sworn to deliver star chamber decisions regardless of the evidence and preexisting law or precedent.
We are especially offended by #TrumpTheFraud's constant smearing of facts. Every reckless speculation is presented as solid undeniable evidence, as has been his lifelong pattern.
Not only he, but many other wholly uninformed right wing operatives, have been out there yelling incessantly that the Clinton mail server absolutely was hacked by multiple every evil government under a rock.
That's not what the FBI found. They found NO actual evidence that the server was hacked. That it "possibly" COULD have been hacked is no proof of anything, because there is no server on the planet with access to the internet that could never possibly be hacked, and every top professional server tech knows it.
When confronted by Lester Holt on his claim that the Clinton server was definitely hacked, his comeback was, "Do you have evidence that it wasn't hacked?" No evidence required. Just throw garbage up against the wall and demand that it be refuted.
In a court of law, possibility of guilt is NOT guilt. But in a #TrumpTheFraud justice system, it would be, and for the worst political purposes. And for the worst bigoted purposes as well, given his attacks on the race of a Hispanic judge because he doesn't like any particular ruling.
There were a number of significant revelations in FBI Director Comey's public statement today.
1) The Clinton server was not "wiped." Millions of fragments of the deleted emails were still readable on the server in the slack space. The FBI reviewed all of them and still found no clear criminal violation.
2) Indeed, Clinton herself deleted nothing in response to the investigation. Her ATTORNEYS sorted what they believed the work-related from the non-work-related and nothing they did either would support a prosecution. If anything Clinton should be applauded for her good judgment in trusting her attorneys to properly handle these matters.
3) Not only was Clinton's use of a private email server widely known by others in the state department, the FBI found that there was a culture of careless handling of classified material pervading the department itself, predating her involvement, NOT Clinton's own personal responsibility.
4) Nobody has ever been prosecuted for doing things like what Clinton did. Every case that the justice department ever pursued involved much more reckless and intentional behavior.
5) The FBI found that about 100 emails contained classified material but only a "very small number" were marked as such. Clinton has maintained she did not send or receive any emails MARKED classified at the time. That's a belief within a reasonable margin of error, and again, not actionable in the judgment of Comey and his career prosecutors.
Those who hate the Clintons for the sake of hating itself will continue their rabid ways. They have been desperately trying to convict her of something for the last 20 years, wasting millions and millions of dollars on one vain congressional investigation after another, whenever they had a majority in the House. And they have yet failed again.
And now, at long last, and isn't it time to get back to the actual issues?
The smartest thing you can do, if you actually want to help her, is to speak out to demand she listen to the American people on declaring firm opposition to the TPP in her platform, for it is a drop kick losing issue if she does not.
Submit the action page, and share it in every other way. And here are the all the social media sharing links for that.
And we can also thank Bernie for leading the charge on this issue, and we demonstrate that with our new Bernie Forever cap which you can get here.
The Pen is a real person, and the creator of UTalk, a revolutionary new internet radio interface, to make advocacy messages as facile and easy as possible. With this goal in mind we pioneered one click action pages in the political realm, now (more...)