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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 4/7/17

"Beautiful Little Babies": What Hypocrisy!

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Mike Rivage-Seul
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Minutes ago I learned that the U.S. has done it again. On mere allegations of WMD use, without public debate or serious investigation, it has launched a barrage of missiles -- this time on Syria.

The justification? The Syrian government allegedly used poison gas that killed women and children -- "Babies, beautiful innocent babies" as our president put it. Meanwhile, the United States itself:

  • Is killing women and children every day in Iraq's Mosul, where it bombs hospitals and mosques.
  • It is supporting and directly participating in a war on the Middle East's poorest country, Yemen, There, incessant bombings over the past two years have killed 10,000 civilians.
  • In Yemen 17 million (!) people including innumerable "beautiful babies" are under threat of famine directly caused by the rich United States and its super-rich ally, Saudi Arabia. No word of reversing policy. We shed not a tear.
  • None of this even takes into account the 30,000 children who die each day from absolutely preventable hunger. They will be as predictably dead tomorrow as if President Trump shot them one by one in their beautiful little heads.

  • What does all of this mean? It means that on principle, the United States doesn't care about killing civilians or "beautiful babies." Somehow, it's the manner of killing them that is objectionable. If civilians starve to death, that's apparently O.K. If they are slaughtered by bombing, that's O.K. too. It's acceptable even if women and children are killed by the banned chemical weapon, white phosphorous (as they were in Iraq's Fallujah under Mad Dog Mattis -- our current Secretary of Defense) or by banned cluster bombs which end up killing and maiming children because unexploded, brightly-colored ordnance looks like toys.

    But poison gas is somehow different. Decapitation is somehow different. Barrel bombs are somehow different -- even though its civilian victims are just as numerous and dead as those killed by phosphorous or cluster bombs, or by Cruise Missiles.

    And where does all the bombing get us? Absolutely NOWHERE! NOTHING positive has been accomplished by these incessant acts of war committed by the country Dr. King described as the greatest purveyor of violence in the world. NOTHING positive has been served by the wars-without=end waged by our Amerika identified by most of the world as the greatest threat to its peace and security.

    How long can we endure the hypocrisy before we all rise up against the warmongers who pretend to lead us?

    This is absolutely intolerable!

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    Mike Rivage-Seul is a liberation theologian and former Roman Catholic priest. Retired in 2014, he taught at Berea College in Kentucky for 40 years where he directed Berea's Peace and Social Justice Studies Program. His latest book is (more...)

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