Because the South is famous for living on credit, most folks seem to take the current situation in stride. I wonder, however, how the Japanese car factories will make out in years to come. Workers were never unionized to start with. When Detroit came to Washington with hat in hand, our Senator Corker from Chattanooga rose on the Senate floor to justify lowering union rates which the UAW once rose to. Locally there are fewer jobs in auto parts companies. NipponDenso built a new facility in our area. They no longer have big advertisements for new trainees. With plentiful water from TVA lakes, recreational boats were a major product. Those plants all closed long before the meltdown arrived.
If manufacturing is the way out of economic doldrums, I wonder where our section of the state will end up. We are famous for our scenery. This year so far flora and fauna have put on a show for the approaching tourist season. Luring tourists is a crap shoot. A long hot summer with excess ozone and the lure of fall "colors" lacking color will wreck the Tennessee Treasury this autumn. High entertainment taxes do not make for certain income.
We wintered well, with rain and less excess of unusual weather than farther north. Truck gardening is promising at this time. However, the old standby of a tobacco allotment is sorely missing. One gambling emporium has been set up at Cherokee--a Vegas it's not. TVA has endured reverse publicity. If lakes stay high enough for good recreational boating, perhaps they will come and drop off some cash in the process.
Don't worry. Be happy. Maybe it will all turn out all right. There's just one wrinkle. Since the Blue Dogs are retiring, what color is coming up next?