I'm 33 years old and there are two things wrong here. I'm not dad material and America isn't a friendly place to raise children. We don't hug each other in this country and dance together and socialize without status and money and sexual relations getting in the way of authentic relationships built on mutual need to cooperate honestly and fairly toward our shared goal of survival. Many of the most attractive Millennial girls have had just as much random sex as I have in my sinner days. We were all doing it. You see we're delinquents in a way and sex is for pleasure and status rather than for family and a honest loving relationship.
I don't know how we get it back. The proliferation of pornography makes it accessible for every boy going through puberty to consume it, probably online like I did in my sinner days as early as 13 or 14. This shapes their view of women. They see women performing sex for a camera, for everybody to see, in a fantasy rather than modesty and values against that. Men see no values. If they have no values to live by in order to sleep with women, you tell me what happens? Trust and morality break down. Shared purpose breaks down. Men chase after each others women, sending terrible feelings and emotions into one another and is this the world I want to bring a child into?
And I'm not blaming the women who have sex on camera alone. It takes involved parents driving home moral values on their children through action and conviction and I was never exposed to that. I love my dad. Just very involved in his writing and his pursuits. I was left to explore morality via Hollywood's portrayals. And thus I'm not suited to be a father.
But we can't get our sh*t together. I'd like to see everybody slow down and stay put for a couple weeks or a month and just shake it off. Then start to rebuild trust through direct communication across all of our towns and cities. We share a purpose: to survive. We can't survive if we let global temperature run away on us and it is going to unless we make a dramatic reduction in CO2 in a very short period. This is another reason I don't want to bring a child into this world. He or she will ask me, "Why didn't you save any for us?" And my answer will be we just rushed through it all without ever slowing down.