athetic. Now that he
said he'll vote for Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders' idea of "political revolution" has devolved into urging his supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton and her neoconservative backers.
Wow, very revolutionary, Bernie. Thanks for encouraging people to put the neocons back in office.
How do Democrats continue to let themselves get bowled over time and time again? Wasn't it enough to watch their own party rig the primaries against their preferred candidate, but now their guy Bernie wants them to vote for that same party and their warmongering candidate?
The sad thing is that many, many "liberals" will follow suit and do as told.
"We have to do everything possible to stop a Trump presidency" is the rallying cry.
But what about doing everything possible to stop a Clinton presidency? A presidency that will have a heavy neocon-influenced foreign policy that will certainly include the
"Salvador Option," including proxy wars in Eastern Europe, and an escalation of the provocation of Russia.
Branko Marcetic of
In These Times wrote in March, "But some neocons are so disgusted with [Trump's] rejection of foreign policy establishment thinking that they've declared the unthinkable: They're going to vote for Hillary Clinton."
"Hillary is the neocon's neocon,"
said MSNBC's Joe Scarborough. "She will be more of a saber-rattler, more of a neocon, than probably the Republican nominee. I mean, there's hardly been a military engagement that Hillary hasn't been for in the past twenty years."
That's right, Hillary Clinton is the choice of many of the same neocons who were at one time Public Enemy #1 of Democrats during the George W. Bush presidency. Is it possible to be any more hypocritical than that?
Here are some of the people endorsing Clinton:
Max Boot - A hard-line war hawk and self-declared "American imperialist" Eliot Cohen - Founding Signatory for the Project for the New American Century Robert Kagan - A former Bush administration official who has been called "the most influential neocon in academe" Richard Armitage - Former Deputy Secretary of State who admitted that he was the source who first revealed the identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame Madeline Albright - Who said it was "worth it" in describing the 500,000 Iraqi children who died because of U.S. sanctions Henry Paulson - Former Treasury Secretary and key bailout architect Dan Senor, a leading neoconservative operative and former foreign policy advisor to Mitt Romney, who declared, "Hillary is more hawkish than any of us!" This is just a partial list and will likely balloon with endorsements from weapons manufacturers and a wide-range of pro-establishment types.
Democrats who care about Muslims in the U.S. but not Muslims overseas
And how xenophobic is it for Democrats to say they support the Muslim community in the U.S., but will vote for someone who will bomb Muslim human beings overseas?
A vote for Clinton is NOT a vote against Trump -- math doesn't work that way. But, a vote for Clinton is a vote for the return of the neocons to office and for an even more lethal foreign policy than her hawk predecessor, Barack Obama.
Vote for Clinton, and have the blood of innocent people on your hands. Personally, I'm not going to vote for Trump or Clinton, so there won't be any blood on my hands. And don't dare tell me that if I don't vote for Clinton I am supporting Trump - that cliche is not only tired, but it is totally undemocratic and irrational.
And of course, virtually all people who vote for Clinton will basically do nothing to stop her war machine from churning out more drone wars and more deals with Israel and Saudi Arabia.
The sad thing is that it didn't have to be this way.
Over 40% of registered voters are independent, meaning that if Sanders would have accepted the Green Party's invitation to become their presidential candidate, he would have had a decent chance of winning the election. Just based on the number of people who voted for Sanders in the primary, it is likely he would have easily surpassed the 15% polling requirement to be "allowed" into the debates, if nothing else.
Sanders is either a complete phony or he is a typical self-serving politician
Clearly, Sanders is caving in to the Clinton camp for some empty promises of getting parts of his agenda on the official Democrat platform - as if a party's platform has anything to do with what actually is implemented.
Indeed, some Sanders' supporters are already
calling him out in anticipation of Sanders accepting such empty platform promises and a lofty position in a Clinton administration in return for Sanders support of Clinton:
"The man I once publicly supported, sent money to, have written beautiful things about, and have spent time with, has turned into a power hungry politician, who cares about advancing one thing: himself. I will go one step further, and say that he is in fact, a bully," wrote former Bernie supporter Michelle Manning Barish.
Ms. Barish's words are very inspirational, but at the end of her article she calls for Sanders' supporters to vote for Clinton. That is typical of how Democrats cave in and eventually behave just as the establishment wants them to.
For everyone who continues this cynical, fear-based voting, just look in the mirror and recognize that it is because of people like you that we are continuously stuck with appalling choices for president. The people of Yemen, Libya, Ukraine, Syria and a whole host of other nations will continue to feel the horrific impact of the Democrat for whom you vote.
Chris Ernesto is cofounder of St. Pete for Peace, an antiwar organization in St. Petersburg, FL that has been active since 2003. Mr. Ernesto also created and manages and