Scull and HoodOwner: at unknown
(Image by Jay Janson) Details DMCA
An otherwise life enjoying eighty-one old historian who has lived most of his life in countries bombed by the United States is sick and tired.
Sick to my stomach of a life long watching of Amers partying while their sons, brothers, fathers and friends were or are massacring Koreans and in Korea, Vietnamese in Vietnam, Laotians in Laos, Cambodians in Cambodia, Dominicans in the Dominican Republic, Cubans in Cuba, Panamanians in Panama, Grenadians in Grenada, Somalis in Somalia, Afghanis in Afghanistan, Iraqis in Iraq, Lebanese in Lebanon, Pakistani in Pakistan, Libyans in Libya and apparently now willing to do the same being planned for Iran, while encircling China with bases and military alliances, never forgetting their having arranged massacres of Greeks in Greece, Guatemalans in Guatemala, Iranians in Iran, Congolese in Congo, Argentinians in Argentina, Peruvians in Peru, Chileans in Chile, Haitians in Haiti, Colombians in Colombia, Salvadorians in El Salvador, Nicaraguans in Nicaragua and now Syrians in Syria.*
Tired of reading and listening to Amer progressives with no intention of ending the illegal and undeclared wars, but rather to look good denouncing them as the mistaken acts of US presidents, other elected politicians and appointed public servants, never the acts of ordinary Americans, as if ordinary Amers were not pulling the triggers willingly and with fervor on their own brothers and sisters and their children overseas;
- as if ordinary Americans were not watching it all on TV, cheering on Amers murdering poor people in their own beloved countries, their cities, villages and countryside, as often as not, in their very own homes.
- as if ordinary Americans were not excitedly voting to elect those calling for more wars, and proud of the past ones, so bloody obviously beholden to pitiful criminally insane for power tycoons and investment bankers and CEOs of the wealthy that fund their campaigns;
- as if ordinary Americans were not going to their ordinary churches to listen to their ordinary ministers and priests bless the troops shipping out and those returning for burial from undeclared illegal wars blessed as 'just wars.'
- as if ordinary Americans were not condoning crimes against humanity described as having been done and still being done in the name of all Americans, for the good of all Amers;
- as if ordinary Americans have had no choice during the last sixty-three years but to believe their corporate TV networks and news publications concocting illogical justifications for each US bombing, for each US invasion, for each US violent military occupation, for each CIA sneaky inhumanity;
- as if America's most respected intellect, Noam Chomsky of MIT, had not told Amers over and over again that every president after FDR could have been hung if tried and convicted under the same UN Nuremberg Principle under which the Nazi war criminals were tried.
- as if Americans hadn't held the German people responsible for the invasions and crimes of their government.
- as if the mind of the century, had never made it clear "Wars will stop when people refuse to fight. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action!" Albert Einstein
- and as if Martin Luther King Jr. had not counseled conscientious objection as an alternative to following criminal orders to kill, maim and destroy.
Sick and tired of being gazed at by family and friends dumbfounded that the person before them is incomprehensibly concerning himself with something embarrassingly uncomfortable and of little interest. 'Here we are chatting about ourselves, our problems, bad weather, ballgame scores, sex scandals, latest model cars, new diets and anti-depressants, personal confrontations, trying to boost our spirits with jokes and pleasantries. What is this guy's problem? We all vote in elections, why is he bothering us? - he must crave attention - we have enough of our own problems - just ignore his emotional bleeding heart ranting - or humor him, be understanding of his distress, and tolerant of his loose mouth and not minding his own business - forgive his anti-Americanism.'
Whatever be yours truly shortcomings, I know, and everyone should, that Martin Luther King Jr. held himself and all Americans responsible for the 'atrocities of US foreign policy meant to maintain unfair predatory investments overseas through media deception' and anguished over this previous silence. And Americans will some day soon know that King demanded them to stop participating, supporting, condoning US imperialist wars in silence, which he labeled "betrayal." He encouraged Americans to understand their being morally endowed and being perfectly capable of behaving humanely and peacefully toward the much greater rest of mankind and capable of making these US undeclared wars unacceptable and inoperable. [ Beyond Vietnam - a Time to Break Silence, Riverside Church , April 4, 1967]
As King had led successful marches to prosecute segregation in the court of public opinion, would he have led the prosecution of atrocity wars for Wall Street profits in the court of public opinion along with prosecution of resultant injustices the produced at home. "King planned "civil disobedience on a massive scale" in order "to cripple the operations of an oppressive society." There would be sit-ins of the unemployed at factory entrances across the country, "a hungry people's sit-in' at the Department of Labor" and a Poor People's March on Washington, where thousands of demonstrators of all races would pitch their tents in the nation's capitol and stay until they'd been heard. There were even rumors (though King denied them) that he might run in the 1968 presidential election on an antiwar, third-party ticket with Dr. Benjamin Spock." [ Who Killed Martin Luther King, Ododion Press, Phillip Melanson, 1993*] click here
A bullet shot into King's brain and an obedient media burying his condemnations of US wars forever, solved the problem of investment banking fears that its wars, so necessary to capital accumulation, would be discredited and made inoperable by an aroused American public led by a determined charismatic national personality with no regard for the inexpressibly enormous and unbearable financial loss to the Military-Industrial-Complex that would result from ending imperialist military backed expansion.
However, great words of wisdom have a life of their own, and the conscience of the American people once awakened to their national hero's condemnation of US mass-murderous imperialism to maintain "unfair predatory investments" will produce other Martin Luther Kings who will condemn the US homicidal thieving empire and its close collaborating allies, the remnants of the British, French, Dutch, German, Japanese, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese investor driven empires of founded in preceding centuries.
An entirely new United States will be born, unlike the American empire at the turn of the century that had American investment backed armies shooting Bolsheviks (Majorityists)*** in the brand new war renouncing Soviet Union, shooting and massively stealing from Chinese in Beijing rebelling against the world colonial powers and shooting down Filipinos in Philippines to colonize them.
It will be a nation with a desire to learn from the descendant culture of noble Native Americans and African slaves whose ancestors bore such a bitter fate in the savage America of business like collateral death. It will be a healthy US of the unbounded wondrous human nature that is the heritage of all nations.
To this end your author is dedicated to the King Condemned US Wars International Awareness Campaign
In the meantime-present, the world watches satellite powered network videos of Americans demonstrating for a larger cut of the imperialist pie with here and there among the protestors a token placard raised decrying the wars as too expensive. The cadre of the movement for social and economic justice discount Martin Luther King Jr.' teaching that no social progress will be possible at home while Americans continue to deny the very right to life to the poor overseas at such a high cost and loss of human and financial resources.
Better health care, housing and jobs for the soldiers of the great nation crucifying the poor overseas? Stopping the swindling of Amers so they can live better while they continue destroying the homes of others (with their non-American inhabitants inside)? No, this writer would suggest, Americans! Stop murdering your overseas brothers and sisters and their children for Wall Street investors before you ask your Wall Street investor rulers for more money for yourselves!
No, count this author out. If Amers got zero health care, housing and jobs from their Wall Street investor rulers, they might stop participating, assisting, supporting, condoning and accepting Wall Street created illegal undeclared killing field wars on majority humanity. We will in King's name stop these wars. And then social and economic progress will surge forward naturally and easily "when justice will roll down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream." Martin Luther King Jr.
* see Timeline of United States military operations, Wikipedia
click here
and Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II. ; or
A Brief History of U.S. Interventions: 1945 to the Present by William Blum Z magazine , June 1999
click here
** -Philip H. Melanson (1944 -- September 18, 2006) was a Chancellor Professor of Policy Studies at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. He served as coordinator of the Robert F. Kennedy Assassination Archive, which is the world's largest collection on the subject, and also served as chair of the Political Science Department for 12 years.
An internationally recognized expert on political violence and governmental secrecy, Melanson wrote numerous books and articles related to these subjects. He appeared on NPR, BBC, CBS, and CNN news programs.
He made 95 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, which resulted in the release of over 200,000 pages of federal government documents on topics relevant to his research. [
*** Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War, Wikipedia
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