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Biden-Blinken failed diplomacy results in genocide in Gaza

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Steven Sahiounie
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Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator

The President of Brazil, Luiz Ina'cio Lula da Silva, has stated "this is not a war; this is genocide" when referring to the Israeli attack on Gaza.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken wrote a note to the US State Department staff on October 19. He was aware of growing discontent among his workforce; hurt and disappointed by the unabashed abandonment of diplomatic norms, as the US defended war crimes committed by Israel.

Career State Department employees were shaken professionally and personally, and they were not only Muslims, or Arabs.

"I know that, for many of you, this time has not only been challenging professionally, but personally," wrote Blinken.

"President [Joe] Biden has made clear from the beginning of the crisis as I underscored across the region that while we fully support Israel's right to defend itself, how it does so matters. That means acting in a way that respects the rule of law and international humanitarian standards, and taking every possible precaution to protect civilian life," he added, but his words were untrue. When professionals are lied to, they lose respect for their superiors.

The Biden administration's reaction to Hamas' Oct. 7 attack on Israel was to offer unqualified support to the Israelis, insisting they had the right to defend themselves against the militant group.

State Department employees are professionals who are not working for one single Secretary of State, or any one US President. They work for the United States, for the people, and defending the freedom and democracy that makes America great.

When they saw Biden and Blinken supporting the Israeli siege on Gaza, which prevented all water, food, medicine and fuel from entering, they realized they are working for a regime that is complicit in war crimes and in contravention of international law. It became clear that Blinken was working for the Israelis, and not for American values or a rules-based international order.

Diplomacy rules

Like any learned skill, there are accepted and time-honored characteristics taught to become a diplomat.

The fourth rule of diplomacy is objectivity and integrity. A diplomat must always be fair and honest, while never allowing personal political or cultural ideas to influence their actions.

On October 9, Blinken gave an emotional speech alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He stated he was there "not only as the United States Secretary of State but also as a Jew".

Blinken failed to adhere to the rules of diplomacy by stepping away from representing the US government, and inserting himself into the situation. Blinken is paid by the American people, which is a secular society, to represent the interests of the whole country, and not Jewish Zionists.

Blinken claimed he represented the US as well as Jews, which is untrue. There are thousands of Jews in Israel, the US and globally who object to the brutality of the Israeli government.

State Department employee resigned

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I am Steven Sahiounie Syrian American award winning journalist and political commentator Living in Lattakia Syria and I am the chief editor of MidEastDiscours I have been reporting about Syria and the Middle East for about 8 years

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