Bill Maher tied in Conor Lamb's significant win with a reality that plagues Democrats that if not solved in the short term will deny the kind of Blue Wave they expect in 2018.
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It is true that Democrats must adapt to the district where they are running, but must do so without selling out the moral fabric of the Party's Platform.
Bill Maher first took exception to Conor Lamb telling his constituents in an ad that he does not support Nancy Pelosi. He enumerated Pelosi's successes as a legislator, which are vast.
Bill identifies a big problem with Democratic messaging. Lamb is in an election to replace an anti-choice Republican who asked his girlfriend to have an abortion. Democrats allowed the Republicans to make the election a referendum on Nancy Pelosi. Bill's messaging would have been a bit different.
"How about this for an ad," Maher said. "Democrats support abortion. So do Republicans when they need one for their girlfriends."
Maher then castigated Democrats for crawling under a rock when Republicans made Nancy Pelosi a whipping woman instead of reminding America about her getting significant bills passed; Stimulus Bill that saved the economy, the Affordable Care Act, Wall Street Reform, Bill to protect the auto industry, and many others.
Maher reminded Democrats that Americans like perceived strength. Trump called Iowans stupid and won the state in a landslide. He called Latinos, rapist and worse and got a significant portion of their votes.
Bill called out Hillary for backtracking on her coal policy which he said was right. He said she and Democrats must be forward-looking. They need to tell Americans what they will do to make life better instead of allowing Republicans to scare Americans into a state of panic and denial.
"They [Democrats] are afraid to make the counter-argument," Maher said.
Maher points out that Republicans fight for their policies, even when mostly wrong.
"Democrats," Bill Maher said. "Their weapon of choice is adaptive coloration."