Bill O'Reilly, host of Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor," will address FRC's fourth annual Values Voter Summit that will take place September 18-20 in Washington, D.C. O'Reilly is the author of eight best-selling books including Culture Warrior, Those Who Trespass and his most recent A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity: A Memoir.
For being a voice of virtue in a culture of death, FRC Action will honor him with the first ever Media Courage Award. In the face of intense pressure, Bill O'Reilly has stood for truth during a tumultuous time in the pro-life debate. Despite a firestorm of unfair allegations, he has defended his position against late-term abortions and brought new light to a gruesome procedure. He has used a national platform to promote the dignity of life - no matter what the personal or professional risk.
O'Reilly will join an already impressive line-up of speakers at the Summit, including: Governors Rick Perry (R-Texas) and Tim Pawlenty (R-Minn.), former Governors Mitt Romney (R-Mass.) and Mike Huckabee (R-Ark), Reps. John Boehner (R-Ohio) Eric Cantor (R-Va.), Mike Pence (R-Ind.), and Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), actor Stephen Baldwin, author Joel Rosenberg, Phyllis Schlafly, Ken Blackwell, Star Parker, and Lila Rose. Invited speakers include: Former Governor Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) and Governor Bobby Jindal (R-La.), Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Kirk Cameron, and many more.