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Book re Greatest Crime of War Investors who own governments, CIA, military and media

Jay Janson
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Book re Greatest Crime of War Investors who own governments, CIA, military and media

Every chapter has something astounding,

Book's two concluding sentences:

Humankind is trapped in a horrific period of suffering in the bloody hands of imbecilic investors in war, who own most Western governments and mainstream media and who cannot stop themselves from planning war, even terminal nuclear war.

May the Truth About the Openly Diabolical Origin and Purpose of the Horrific Second World War and the Deadly Indifference to the Multi-nation Holocaust Stimulate Confronting the Dark Reality of American Finance: the Profiting from Mass Destruction: America's Investment in Death, from Hitler and Nuclear Terror, Neo-Colonial Regime Change Wars and Our Current Ecological Nightmare Amid Preparations for World War against Russia and China.

Years ago, Noam Chomsky suggested I flesh out an article I sent him into a book. Ramsey Clark, who would have written a foreword, expected it to be sent to key historians.

Crime USA

WWII & Holocaust

Could Never Have Happened

Without American Corporations

Investing in & Joint Venturing with

Hitler's Poor Nazi Germany

Building Its Wehrmacht

For War On Russia

Exposes the myth that the US played a benevolent role in world affairs

After the Soviet Union defeated Germany at great human cost, Americans Took False Credit for

Defeating the Nazi Wehrmacht It Created

Book is about the arming of madman Hitler's Nazi Germany that made a war that killed off 3% of the world's population at that time (which included the mega horrific Holocaust). - each chapter presents something astounding

Larger scope of the book is corp. war investor control of the world as their criminal media holds our attention on subterfuge.

Exposes the myth that the US played a benevolent role in world affairs

This author has, as Ramsey had long endeavored to remove the US government from its false pedestal of being the 'good guys' that defeated Hitler's Nazi Germany - as Americans invaded dozens of innocent nations since WWII.

Noam Chomsky, who suggested it be written, wrote back "Glad the project moved forward," and "It's very valuable," but that he is hopelessly overbooked into the future to be able to help.

WWII & Holocaust Could Never Have Happened Without American Corporations Investing & Joint Venturing with Hitler's Poor Nazi Germany - Chapter 1

This is the first chapter of a 18 chapter book by J. Jankovsky-Novak alias Jay Janson serialized in Counter Currents, Kerala, India. Impossibility of a Prostate Disarmed and Captive Nazi Germany Rearming Itself While Under British and French Armed Enforcement of Prohibitions of Versailles Treaty Law The Treaty of Versailles that ended the First World War Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 1

Chapter 2 'Weaponizing Nazis' Contribution made by American capitalism to German war preparations described as phenomenal and crucial to German military capabilities With the world of the plundering Colonial Powers deep in the chaos of the Great Depression, a disastrous failure of rule by the banks of the capitalist countries, the United States internally threatened by local organizations of socialists, communists, / Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 2

Chapter 3 'Preparing War Profits' - The 'Good War' Coverup Slogan Unmasked By Well Kept Business Records and Tax Documentation That the Second World War was a 'good war,' a clear fight against what a madman had brought about, has been a major and fundamental deception solidified in Wall Street owned media and movies. The famous American historian Studs Terkel / Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 3

WWII & Holocaust Could Never Have Happened Without American Corporations...

That the Second World War was a 'good war,' a clear fight against what a madman had brought about, has been a ma...

Chapter 4 - Profiting Well with Hitler - Hitler's Rule Was Especially Profitable For American Corporatocracy's Enterprises and Joint Ventures with Nazi Germany On March 4th of 1933, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. The following reports about Hitler's draconic economic policies benefiting US corporations are excerpted from Profits "Über Alles!" by Jacques R. Pauls, GlobalResearch, 6/8/2004. [35] Hitler's first major initiative was to dissolve the/ Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 4

Chapter 5 The economic facilitation of a second world war equally came to mean an economic facilitation of a multi-nation Holocaust This author expects that the reaction of a good many readers to the affirmation that the 'Holocaust could not have happened without corporate USA rearming Germany to destroy the USSR,' would be one of protest. Skeptical readers might insist that the elite / Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 5 Chapter 6 - 'Priorities of Colonial Imperialism' Regarding the Economic and Political Priorities of the World's Major Colonial Powers, the British and French Empires, the other European Empires and the Imperialist United States of America During the Rise of Fascism At this point in our narrative regarding the very purposeful arming of Adolph Hitler's Nazi Germany for war, it would / Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 6

Chapter 7 - Peculiarities of Fascism's and Hitler's Rise to Power - Hitler's Mercurial Rise to Absolute Power in Germany and Its Press Coverage in the Colonial Powers In April of 1921, the victorious European Allies of World War One, notably France and England, presented a bill to Germany demanding payment for damages caused in the war which Germany had / Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 7

Chapter 8 - The Colonial Powers at Times Openly at Times Backhandedly Assisted European Fascism and Hitler's Preparations for War - Capitalist Speculative Banking Run Colonial Empires Continued to Allow and Assist Hitler To Violate the Prohibitions of the Versailles Treaty Meant to Prevent the War Empowerment of Germany / Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 8

Chapter 9 Hitler and Mussolini Permitted To Go To War on the Side of a Spanish Fascist Revolt With Merciless Bombing of Republican Spain During the Spanish Civil War July 1936-April 1939 The fascist led military uprising in Spain was set to begin in the Spanish protectorate in Morocco so that control of Spanish Morocco could be achieved and forces sent to the Iberian Peninsula to / Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 9 Chapter 10 Final Collaborations With Hitler at Vienna and Munich Made to Appear as Only Appeasement Austria Forcibly United With Nazi Germany Expressly Forbidden in the Versailles Treaty Notwithstanding The Allowed Successful Murderous Fascist War For Spain Taken For Granted in Outright Collaboration By 1938, Hitler must have felt strong enough to accomplish union (Anschluss) / Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 10

Chapter 11 The Colonial Powers Munich Award to Hitler Is the Last Straw in Bringing About The 'Infamous' Molotov-Ribbinthrop Pact. Stalin's Last Minute Surprise Switch to Collaboration and Temporary Safety With Sudetenland gone to Germany, Czechoslovakia had lost 70% of its iron/steel industry, 70% of its electrical power and 3.5 million citizens to Germany as a result of the settlement. American historian/ Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 11

Chapter 12 - Second World War Begins with Germany's Genocidal Racist Invasion of Western Poland. Soviets Regain Western Ukraine and West Belarus, territory the USSR had been forced to give up in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk - British and French 'Sitz Krieg' followed by Nazi 'Blitz Krieg' of Europe The day after the German-Soviet / Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 12

Chapter 13 - Hitler Orders a Genocidal Racist Invasion of Russia and Extermination of Jews in the Largest Land Invasion in History - Hitler Led Nazi Anglo-Saxon Affinity - UK Allies With the Soviet Union, an Alliance To Avoid War Previously Rejected by Britain On June 22nd 1941, Germany, supported by Italy and Romania, and shortly thereafter / Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 13

Chapter 14 Peal Harbor Surprise Japanese Attack on the US Pacific Fleet and European Colonial Forces in Asia - Germany, Italy and other Axis Countries Declare War on the United States hol On December 7th, 1941, As Hitler's military forces, well armed, thanks to the massive investments and joint venturings of major American industrialists, were besieging Moscow and Leningrad and 'exterminating' communists and Jews throughout / Click [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 14

Chapter 15 - The Red Army Shatters the Wehrmacht at Great Human Cost - The Falsification of History That the USA Defeated Nazi Germany During the Second World War On December 5, two days before, the United States entered World War Two, the Red Army had begun it's successful enormous winter counter-offensive ending the Nazi siege of Moscow. As early as / Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 15

Chapter 16. Recapitulation and synopsis of a mega murderous double dealing racket of war that engendered the post war American genocidal neocolonial world hegemony The CIA overseen corporate media conglomerates of the Western World Powers [230C] have not only falsified a USA-UK victory over Nazi Germany, but have given the world a false picture of an initially powerless criminally insane Adolph Hitler / Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 16

Chapter 17 - A Criminal UN Partition Igniting Civil War - Partition Stratagem Provoked Civil War in British Occupied Palestine, an Archetypical Colonial Crime Against Humanity, a Programed Murderous Aftermath of the Multi-nation Holocaust of European Jews What uncomfortable realization of the enormity of American and European society's complicity in the Holocaust there was, formed a backdrop for additional basic / Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 17

Chapter 18 - Inhumane Heritage of An Insanely Dangerous War Investor Control of Planet Earth Issuing from Five Centuries of Racist Colonial Capitalist Conquering and Two Genocidal World Wars - A Human Decimation Nuclear Armageddon Threatens Even As The No Longer Bearable Colossal Expenditure of Resources on Wars and World War Preparation Prevents Protecting Life / Click on [Read More"] link to read entire chapter 18

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Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India, in Germany & Sweden Einartysken,and in the US by Dissident (more...)

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