it's getting stranger in Wonderland, if that's possible. Supreme Court
Justice (!) Clarence Thomas' wife Ginny -- the ardent Teabagger -- actually contacted Anita Hill at her office at Brandeis University and
left a voice mail asking her to apologize for "what she did" to poor
Clarence all those years ago.
This is what Ginny in a possible episode of drunk dialing, calls "extending an olive branch." Sounds more like smacking her with an empty bottle of Chivas, if you ask me.
Seems that harassment just runs in the family. I wonder if the Thomas' badger other people, or if they just focus all their aggression solely on Anita Hill? The good news is Mrs. Thomas is now under FBI investigation as a result of the call and hopefully the Feds will pull back the covers on her "Liberty Central" non-profit scheme and reveal the writhing maggots hiding under the sheets.
Clarence better get her into Treatment reeeeeeeaaaaaal quick if he wants to salvage the shreds of his tarnished reputation on the bench. Read on, gentle Truthseeker, for more on this outrageous story.