By Ashin Mettacara
In Burma, Local authorities raided Mar Lar Yone Temple and captured the chief monk Ven. U Silavamsa at around 2 a.m on September 5th. The Mar Lar Yone temple is located in Yangon's Thalyin Township. Altogether 17 monks are staying at the temple. "All monks were forced to lie down for about 40 minutes on the floor while the raid was being carried out "- reported by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners-Burma (AAPP).
Buddhist monks in Burma are being held under close surveillance by the military regime because one year Memorial Day of Saffron Revolution is nearing. Buddhist monks led massive pro-democracy demonstrations on 18th of September 2007. The military opened fire on the demonstrators on 26th of September and many people were killed.
The current situation Burma is tightened security with hundreds of riot police and cars near the Sule Pagoda, which is a protester's gathering point.