Here's how things have come down in the past two years, near as I can tell.
Hillary did every dirty trick in the book to get elected. She also siphoned off something like $150m to the Clinton Foundation, to line the pockets of the "foundation," while selling gobs of fissionable material to Russia, for their nukes. Now she's obsessed with more utterly insane lying in an effort to camouflage her bruised ego and utter psychopathy.
Bernie was totally snuffed in real time, living color, as he was swept under the bus, taking my 500 bucks and my untold hours trying to prop him up. Probably along with your hard pressed donations too.
He failed to fight his completely evident win, then promptly switched trains, heading 180 degrees in the neocon (planet extinctionists') direction. Propped up HC whose train was headed the opposite way from his alleged train, as if on Viagra for the sicko.
Joined HC and other insane folks on the loose and running the show to bash Russia and Putin, the one guy who might possibly help humankind avert nuclear annihilation, as BS sold his soul to the devil.
Now the whole MSM has hopped on the Russia bashing train to accelerate our extinction, because we can't seem to shake hands instead of nuclear weapons at each other.
That's my obligatory intro article for Debbie Lusignan, one of the few serious truth tellers with a spine left on this pale blue dot.
I can see why otherwise sane people don't particularly like her, including many of my friends and Rob Kall, because of her "style." Yes, I too agree it is a bit rambling and could be much better condensed, but I cut her a wide path as a bona fide truth teller with a backbone and a fire in her belly--and who can possibly have "volunteer time" to do the research she does and become a Hollywood star at the same time. The best man from my decade ago wedding complained that she presented no facts, to which I say listen closer and look at the links she posts and encourages you to look at.
She was probably Bernie's most ardent advocate, even knowing his foreign policy or lack thereof, and did a long line of real time videos of how he got shafted, and encouraged him to fight back. So fbs is all I can add to this video.
And perhaps also reiterate that the whole "bash Putin" is utter lunacy, putting Homo so-called sapiens and complex life on earth on the knife-edge of extinction, in the very near future.