I see the entire post-election sorry and ghastly drama played out day by day in this pathetic US exercise as an attempt, now with quite some momentum, to bring back the confederacy, even the score, and to establish white supremacy, segregation and make all those MAGA dreams come true. One hopes none of these will actually happen, but what has already happened definitely sets the drumroll.
I have now had 40+ years of the US political charade in my purview. And in these 4 decades, within which I have written off and on at a variety of forums, from newspapers to magazines- I can say with complete confidence and certainty, that with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter, the only other person who exemplifies honor, integrity, steadfastness in absolutely the highest causes for the good of all ordinary people, leading the most unpretentious life with a continuity of purpose from the Civil Rights days to today- and continuing an Everest-Size battle at age 79 with the energy which far supersedes anything the near-fraudulent duopolic actors (such as, only from the Ds fold, JB, NP, DF, CS, and just about the entire Rs contingent, including of course the abominable orange monster) can even attempt, even at their best- is BERNIE SANDERS.
This duopolic charade is like a life-sentence for an exasperated human race, caught in a never-ending treadmill cycling up and down like gerbils). Sadly, a great many of the populace (including many who are highly educated, accomplished at many levels, yet are still reduced to playing mindless games of "greater and lesser evil" cycle after cycle, and even more pathetically, lauding absolutely ghastly sub-par performers as "superstars", including a phony Nobel-winning drone killer (NWDK; I read the other day that the NWDK apparently has built a mansion which puts the white building in DC (to me a den of evil) to shame). Perfectly in sync with the fraud the killer represents. I am so deeply disturbed by the same old, meaningless, tired claims of (the actually most qualified, most decent candidate) the poll-leading, highly popular candidate "IS NOT VIABLE."
This is the most disgusting thing I hear every cycle like a broken record- a series of which has led us on the downward slide to the absolute cretin now ready to bring the confederacy back in this country. And from all I have seen- it will be well deserved. I have predicted many times (along the lines of an astonishing Bengali folk-tale (involving a Guru's caution to his disciple to run from any place, no matter how heaven-like, where muri and michhri (rice flakes and sugar candy) are sold at the same price). That, the story implies, is a land of absolute fools (recall the fable of a "fools paradise" in western parlance). And indeed, in the story, the consequences proved to be terrible for the disciple (only to be rescued by the Guru).
I have often admired the likes of a Dennis Kucinich and a Paul Wellstone in this terrible, barren desert- but the entrenched system has regularly weeded them out in favor of Wall Street, the Complex, the status quo. I have been witness to a land of absolute fools for several decades now (OK- there are numerically plenty of very good and wise ones also). And this is where it is today. I watch Bernie wage a grief-inducing lone battle (as in this senate scene, trying his best to bring desperately needed financial relief to millions in this country outside the billionaires and millionaires clubs).
Bernie Sanders FIRES BACK on Mitch McConnell Sen. Bernie Sanders slams Sen. Mitch McConnell for refusing to put $2000 checks to an up or down vote.
(Image by YouTube, Channel: The Hill) Details DMCA
In the end, I heard that not only was this all for nothing (I was telling my son that Bernie has no choice but to invoke the name of the disgraceful, up-to-the-neck corporatist, Chuck Schumer, as his co-sponsor. Such a deep, deep shame.)- in the end apparently a sizable number of these soulless, clueless Ds went right along with the supremely repulsive zombie turtle from KY, to effectively table any up-and-down vote on the floor for the relief package, in favor of the humongous, obscenely bloated defense budget. As the earth accelerates towards a ghastly end to human life and perhaps all life (until cockroaches re-start the evolutionary clock)- I honestly hold these United States hugely responsible for such a terrible catastrophe.
To me it is heart-breaking that (as in other places in the world), an honest to goodness, exceedingly capable person of high morals, integrity and noble consistency has no chance in this grotesque spectacle of money, chicanery and soulless gamesmanship by immeasurable lowlives. I am putting down these late night thoughts two days prior to the much-ballyhooed runoffs in Georgia. I am not holding my breath (even though I have made contributions, hoping against hope, to the Warnock and Ossoff camps).
(Article changed on January 3, 2021 at 18:46)
(Article changed on January 3, 2021 at 21:53)