There is nothing new about Democrats assisting the Republican agenda, forgoing opportunities to block disastrous legislation on procedural votes, and then making a show of "opposing" bills on a final vote, or openly supporting them while claiming to nonetheless be "against the bill" but afraid of something worse.
There is nothing new about lying, scheming warmongers and Zionists parroting Israeli propaganda long after its thorough debunking, as a sort of pseudo-excuse for ongoing mass murder.
But there is something new about large numbers of people calling out Democrats like Chuck Schumer on his charades. There is something new about other Democrats in Congress calling him out. This is a positive development to be taken advantage of.
Chuck's advisors are paid good money to advise him to support a "strong Republican Party" as good for the United States, and to talk about how well he can work with his Republican buddies while exercising in the gym on Capitol Hill. (Does he check their ear buds for Nazi tunes? I doubt it.)
All I have to offer Chuck is free, unsolicited advice. But it comes from thousands of people who've signed a petition and added their own comments. The petition itself reads:
To Senator Chuck Schumer:
You need to resign as leader of the Democrats in the Senate. Your aiding of the Republican agenda is not new, but the times have changed. The public is taking this thing seriously and carefully watching the pretenses. It is not enough right now to make a show of disagreeing. We need an actual opposition committed to halting Trump's destruction. Step aside.
Here is a sampling of the comments that people have added to that, as a free service to this country and the world:
Americans are really hurting right now. I am an elderly person dependent on my Social Security checks and Medicare. Musk and Trump are actively trying to destroy Social Security and Medicare. I am frightened and your determination to be complicit in this Republican driven destruction of our democracy and society is inexcusable and makes me feel powerless and unsafe. Shame on you!
A failure to draw the line and support the majority of Dems who were willing to thwart the unlawful coup we see in Trump and his Republican minions was beyond disappointing. I have respected your leadership in the past but this is the end for me.
Although I have been a registered independent for more than 6 years, the Democrats still act like I am a Democrat because they are constantly asking for money. This unwillingness to stand up and be ready to tell autocrats that they cannot get what they want is exactly the reason I am an independent. If this is leadership......well, I have certainly seen enough of it.
A typically gutless and unprincipled move by a predictably corporatist -a.k.a. 'centrist'- Democrat. He's got his, and the rest of us will simply have to fight for the best deal we can get, if any. Thanks for selling us down the river, Chucky!
A new leader who is willing to do bold things that will go viral daily is needed.
A new, perilous world of Trump & co's blistering attack on all Americans hold dear about our nation demands new approaches and new leadership. Thanks for the many good moves you've made during your Senate career, Mr. Shumer. Please resign your post and Make Way for younger Democratic Party leaders with newer ideas and actions. Many thanks, sir.
Acceding to bullies is absolutely wrong! The Democrats need a spine now! What this country needs is a REAL [expletive deleted] opposition party!'
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