CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou says torture worked (but not really) and ended up, by hook or crook, creating poets out of the Gitmo detainees, including Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah, who had ben waterboarded 183 times and 83 times, respectively. This has been largely corroborated with the release of Poems from Guantana'mo:The Detainees Speak, a collection of poems written by the untried detainees, some now in at the end of there second decade at Gitmo waiting to be arraigned on something. However, the works of the more famous High Value (HV) detainees -- KSM and AZ -- who may or may not have been charged yet with anything (it's unclear) -- had not yet been released. So, as a journalist, I filed a FOIA with the CIA and, after routine denials referencing national insecurity, was sent the following poems by the masterminds.
My Love for Deuce's Wife by AZ (83)
Under pressure, Bowie sings, I'm under
water pressure, your wife Cecilia
breaks my heart, sheiks my confidence daily.
What hots! I feel so Barnum and Bailey.
I see her naked like Ophelia.
Thanks, Deuce -- glug, glug -- for sharing her wonder.
Deuce, she should open an Air BnB --
t*ts so candy sweet and overmilky --
she's John Donne's ravish me; Leda's cooked goose.
I hope she's waiting in Heaven -- vermoose!
Never knew torture could be so silky;
ravishments -- yea! -- the whole wild panoply.
Your wife's so multiply ambidextrous
we both wait here now for her to text us.
You Motherfuckers by KSM (183)
I can't breathe get your knee --glug -- off my neck.
I never loved you and now never will.
Dunk me more -- glug -- as if I give a heck.
Deuce, am I your wet dream orgasmic thrill?
They hate us more than they love life, he says.
It is the sadist's favorite saying.
They love our hatred. Water on the face.
Ask culture questions. They begin braying.
Deuce, I'm gonna let AZ have your wife.
There's no poetry in my soul for her.
You're stuck with her for the rest of your life,
Deuce, these porn pics feature lots of fur.
Shove your torture up your rectorium.
Keep your heify wife. Give me the gas.
(Article changed on Oct 12, 2021 at 6:50 PM EDT)