Takes 5 minutes to read if you do not open links. Please share and ACT (the best antidote to despai
In response to my earlier message asking for ideas as we undergo more genocidal actions, I received over 110 messages so far. I wrote the earlier message as I was still very sad about my friend Islam from Rafah (now in Khan Younis) as many members of his family were killed Tuesday morning and his mother is in critical condition. This was not the first time their tents were bombed. His wheel-chair bound son and his daughter suffered burns six months ago in another Israeli bombing of civilians.
I selected 14 responses to share with you (below the news list). Many messages encouraged us and reminded us how people care. Others shared actions (like the many major cities where demonstrations were held the past few days). Here is one in Paris.
But first some relevant empire news:
"Israel" occupied for months the only hospital for cancer treatment in Gaza and then blew it up in an massive blast (video).
The last chapter of the genocide by Chris Hedges.
Is Israel the Deep State? The public mind is managed to avert from that which matters most: The settler colonial project, what lies behind the JFK assassination, the ongoing genocide and Israel's unacknowledged nuclear threat.
One of 50,000 stories: A child watched his mother burn alive then he died too.
What women face under displacement settler colonialism.
New types of bombs in Gaza and the result? [and an eyewitness reported putting a group of people in a ditch and shooting them point blank]
Israel approves oversight body for Gaza ethnic cleansing plan, grants independence to 13 West Bank colonies and continued its displacement of people in Gaza (ethnic cleansing).
Google imports ex Israeli spies as genocide resumes [and props the war economy]
Letter from Columbia PhD student who fled the US to Canada (please demand universities protect their International students).
Let the truth not only be seen on social media but on mainstream corporate media. Hold media accountable. Have had some success in Canada with CJPME media accountability cjpmemap.ca Stop scrolling and organize with Unions. Speak out in places where it would not be expected: doctorsà ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ?ï ? ? offices. Hairdressers. Post office. Keep educating. Renà à ? ï ? ? ï ? ?e
Your questions move in the direction of effectiveness, i.e., What can we do to avert the catastrophes to nuclear war, climate disasters, erasure of Palestine, etc.? How can we make a difference? The world population is over 8 billion and the US population is over 340m. To ask the folks in my Quaker church à ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ?ï ? ?...to make a differenceà ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ?à may inadvertently cause them to become overwhelmed and inactive. The à ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ?ï ? ?...askà ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ?à may be too big. I have heard you say and read in your blogs that little things matter. The wind and the rain turn mountains into plains. Consistent, small faithful actions the results of which we will never see may be the best we can do. Letà ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ?ï ? ? s ask for tireless, persistent, faithful actions. Paul
One suggestion that I offer as a professional à ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ?ï ? ?...Project Manegerà ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ?à is to ensure that whatever each of us do toward this kind of a permanent justice for the Palestinian people, truly and effectively joins with all other efforts by intentionality and positively affecting the à ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ?ï ? ?...critical pathà ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ?à which is beyond a doubt à ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ?ï ? ?...United States complicityà ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ?Ã. No matter what else is done, without breaking the complicity of the United States. True and permanent justice requires this..thus in the world of project management, the United States complicity must come to a permanent end. Every strategy and every tactic must pass this gateway to effectively influence the outcome. Ted
To achieve morality in geopolitics today, it all gets down to the 10 commandments. "Love thy neighbourà ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ? ï ? ? à ? ï ? ? ï ? ?Thou shalt not steal."The Ten Commandments Exodus 20:1-17 would make the world better, if followed.! .... I guess the most we can do under the circumstance is NOT be a part of this corrupt system and not support it and a second more important step is to work toward a better future world, by working to awaken spiritual consciousness in others. Leanne
I say "Yes!" to your idea of a brainstoming session on Zoom to those of us who could participate. I have the germ of an idea I would like to discuss. Adam
See this interview with Francesca Albanese
Taxpayers Against Genocide might be one way of helping Palestine. .taxpayersagainstgenocide.org/ Jane
I think you're getting confident that Israel is finished. I think everybody is. "Pay your money, take your chances." Speak truth. Truth comes back to you. Christopher
Our God knows and sees all. Our job is to stay with the people of Palestine. Give them hope, love, peace and the reward they will get enduring this another 'catastrophe'. Frances
We co-created RoLE www.rulesoflawonearth.org and I was Founding Advisor for Conflict Resilience and Research Institute of Canada (CRRIC) www.crric.org My proposal is to use similar approach for Gaza using a track 2 diplomacy process involving interests of those in the region including multi-stakeholders using Smartsettle tool and locally trusted in person mediators. Stakeholders must include agents of future generations, nature, women and children as well ss enlightened wise courageous people like you and Jessie and others that would be representative of lands and peoples in and refugees from Israel, Gaza, West Bank, Jerusalem, Bedouins, .....David
I tell myself that by joining with others to resist Trump as strongly as we can here, for our own sake, will also help the Gazans and Palestinians in the West Bank. Of course, even if there is some logic to this, we are unlikely to bring change to the US in time to stop the slaughter in Gaza. And, in any case, our efforts, as you say, may accomplish nothing at all, for any purpose, other than assuaging our anxieties. But I conclue I must try. Paula
Only one state solution should be promoted: that of Palestine . We should aim to collapse the Israel state economically. We should treat this as Vietnam. Both people and governments should be involved in a variety of ways. From mass movements to economic sanctions. Vijayendra
Boycott all Israeli products and all US Companies benefitting the occupation (McDonalds, KFC, Starbucks, etc.). John
One answer would be, let your life be guided by love. Or if that's too strong a word, then 'guided by affection.' This involves some risks; we take risks to experience love. Is it worth it? That's up to your state of mental health. How badly were you wounded in childhood? If you loved or felt affection for other human beings, would you help pay for the one trillion dollars a year 'war' budget (called 'defense', but just how easily are you fooled?) of your so-called, largely imagined country (in this case the so-called 'United States,' which ultimately is just a mental concept you have been trained to hold in your mind)? What would life be like if you broke free of your mental conditioning; that's the question. DANA
My own thought now that I am a little more collected is merely to quote Howard Zinn: "To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places - and there are so many - where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction. And if we do act, in however small a way, we don't have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory."
Stay Humane and keep hope alive
Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability Bethlehem University Occupied Palestine
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