Fortunately, I am not a professional journalist assigned to follow the Republican convention. Unavoidably, I watched only short clips on regular news programs and may have slept through some segments about the convention.
The one shocker that did jar me awake - on Day 1 or Day 2? - was when people chanted "four more years" and Trump responded "twelve more years!" Did I dream this or did it actually happen? No one has commented on it, to my knowledge. It must have been a nightmare. If not, that would the most momentous moment of the convention. Knowing Trump as we do now, this cannot be shrugged off as just another meaningless utterance or joke; he takes himself seriously. It would portend a serious intent to undo the constitution.
If this actually happened, then all the alarms should be sounded. Trump's pathological fantasy could further our real world agony. This is not merely a party matter. Trump should be seriously challenged on his sanity. The Republican Party should be challenged to withdraw his nomination as a threat to national security. The party itself, to put up such a dangerous, libertarian counterfeit candidate, reveals itself to be nothing more than a sham conservative party backed by corporate wealth, appealing to mob mentality. It has nothing in common with the party of Lincoln.