.Israel Committed Original Sin. | Pakistan UN Envoy Munir Akram Speech | Israel-Palestine Conflict .Israel Committed Original Sin. | Pakistan UN Envoy Munir Akram Speech | Israel-Palestine Conflict #isreal #Palestine ...
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Readings for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Exodus 22: 20-26; Psalm 18, 2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thessalonians 1: 5c-10; Matthew 22: 34-40
Thank God for Hamas.
Yes, thank God for Hamas. At least that's what I'm thinking. Hamas could be the unlikely agent of God's revelation.
That Hamas possesses such agency seems likely in the light of the Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions in general and in that of the liturgical readings for this Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. All three can enable discerning people of faith to see past western propaganda to what Hamas is actually up to. Hamas is lifting the veil to help us identify who's responsible for most of the world's problems. It's the United States and Israel. Both represent brutal criminal enterprises.
That's my two-point message for today. it's one that we'd do well to let into our consciousness blinded by nonstop propaganda that hates Muslims and the poor, that hates non-whites, and those who dare to defend themselves against imperialists, colonialists, and racists.
So, don't expect here the de rigueur denunciation of Hamas' atrocities. In terms of freedom and justice for Palestine's oppressed, that one-sided requirement is deceptively counterproductive. It creates a detestable false equivalency between the tactics of resistance fighters on the one hand and the infinitely worse barbarisms of their overlords on the other. In the final analysis, it ends up justifying Israel's slaughter of their concentration camp captives.
[By the way, Pakistan's UN ambassador, Munir Akram, recently said something like that to the General Assembly. He refused to criticize Hamas unless Israel was also criticized as the root cause of the crisis in Israel-Palestine. But, of course, the U.S. and Israel refused to allow such critique. (Be sure to view Akram's speech above.)]
No, my points for us living within a nearly impenetrable "veil of ignorance" are to affirm that (1) Hamas may well be the agent of God's revelation, and (2) the scriptural traditions of the Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions suggest that strongly.
To begin with what do we know of Hamas? I mean, what do we really know that's not filtered through western (i.e., through imperial and colonial) propaganda machines?
The answer is, "almost nothing!"
Think about it. What we know of Hamas comes from its inveterate enemies. It's like getting information from the Nazis about Jews in the 1930s. And we fall for it every time. I think Goebbels said something about that.
In other words, our information about Hamas comes from proven compulsive liars (like the colonialist Benjamin Netanyahu, the imperialist Joe Biden, and their lackey press corps). Uniformly, they tell us:
- Hamas represents "pure unadulterated evil."
- Simply put, they are "terrorists."
- There is no distinction between them and the 2.3 million inhabitants of Gaza.
- All of them (including women, children, and even infants) are guilty.
- After all, they elected Hamas to govern them in 2006.
- That proves that all Gazans are inhuman. They're simply animals. They have no human rights. Yes, they're beasts and can be treated as such.
- The Hamas violence on October 7th provides further evidence.
- It came out of the blue and was "unprovoked."
- Hamas cadres wantonly killed innocent young people spraying them down with machine gun bullets at a rave dance. (Nothing about crossfire or the military status of the Israeli revelers.)
- Unlike Apartheid-Israelis who hold more than a thousand Palestinians in custody (often without charge) Hamas has no right to take political prisoners.
- After all, hostages and political prisoners are not the same.
- Hamas militants even beheaded infants and children. Joe Biden said he saw the videos. (Later, his team "walked that back.")
- They raped women. (No evidence. Again, a claim "walked back.")
- Their rockets, not Apartheid-Israelis, destroyed a Gazan hospital. (Without investigation, Joe Biden believes that too - on the word of the "highly principled" Benjamin Netanyahu.)
- They're worthy of condemnation because they have chosen violence over the non-violent tactics so obviously favored by "virtuous" Apartheid-Israelis and Apartheid-Americans. [Nothing about Palestinians' non-violent "Great March of Return" (2018), Apartheid-Israel's brutal response killing hundreds, and the general lack of coverage in the west's mainstream media.]
That's what we know about Hamas. Am I right or wrong?
And every one of those allegations is a lie or at best a prevarication containing a tiny grain of truth. Every one of them!
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