COVID is proving to be a tough opponent. So was Hitler. COVID has taken the lives of over 600,000 Americans. Hitler's war resulted in over 400,000 American soldiers killed and nearly 700, 000 wounded. Millions of civilians conserved and defended our coasts. We have weapons for this COVID war, not perfect, but effective: vaccines, temporary masks mandates, social distancing, temporary shut downs. Yet some Trumpublicans: Dr. Scott Atlas, and Quacks, Florida Governor De Santis, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham, argue we should not, at the call of our federal government, arm ourselves with these weapons.
Trump denied COVID's seriousness from February 2019 until March 2020. He could have saved his presidency with a "war" speech like Roosevelt's "Day of Infamy" or Churchill's "Fight" speech and action orders to CDC, etc. But with his gnarly personality, COVID hit on his lack of compassion. Even the Christian Science Church counsels responsible observance of public-health law.
When schools open, look for a rogue wave of COVID infection in kids. Freedom has a correlative: responsibility. Congress should waive HIPPA for vaccination disclosure. Medicare should refuse to pay hospital bills for COVID hospitalization for adults who publicly refused to be vaccinated. As our main body marches toward the school front, can I get a public "Amen" to vaccination out of Trump supporters?