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Crimea Sanctions... But Nothing For What China Did In Tibet

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Kent Welton
Message Kent Welton

 Crimea Sanctions... But Nothing For What China Did In Tibet

  The west is engaging in heavy sanctions against Russia for Crimea, a country whose own people decided to be a part of Russia, versus no similar response from western nations for the invasion of Tibet -- a spiritual treasure -- where the future Dalia Lama was kidnapped and disappeared -- a non-event in the western media -- and surely a sacrilege equal to kidnapping the Pope.

  Yet we gave up this perfect opportunity to levy tariffs and boycott a truly despotic force. -- one that was also busy dismantling our manufacturing base and acquiring a vast horde of our treasury bonds as a result. So we let an irreplaceable nation and spiritual culture be destroyed and pillaged, yet not a dent in our free trade policies, and nary a voice against all the looting of precious Buddhist temples and artifacts.

  The USA, and the Western nations it bullies and bribes into going along with our sick and twisted foreign policy, have no morals. We only fight for oil, and the right of mega corporations to steal whatever and wherever they can and for private central banks to enslave us all with their dismal debt-money. 

  So when you hear the news about Crimea and all the sanctions being imposed against Russia turn your thoughts to one of the biggest crimes of this or any century -- the invasion and and destruction of Tibet.

  As for the importance of Tibet, the below article is from 2007 and articulates the spiritual significance of a unique country and ancient culture:



By Kent Welton, OpEdNews.Com, June 23, 2007

What has happened to Tibet in the last few decades is no less than the crime of the ages -- the defeat and disappearance of a society dedicated to enlightenment and spiritual evolution at the hands of ruthless, materialist, totalitarian Chinese invaders.

  "If there were something civilised in man, every nation would have stood against the invasion of Tibet by China. It is the invasion of matter against consciousness. It is invasion of materialism against spiritual heights"


"In the past decade, China has waged a quiet but ruthless war on Tibetan society."

         Joshua Kurlantzick, The End Of Tibet

  "We are facing our own extinction"

          HHS Dali Lama

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Author, Exec. Dir. The Center For Balance.org - Websites: PanditPress.com, OligarchyUSA.com, PublicCentralBank.com, EditorFreedom.com, FascismUSA.com & more
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