Peace is possible through conscious effort. Every day we have the option of creating peace or raising tensions. Peace happens when everyone is on the same page. Teamwork is peace. In order to have peace throughout our great nation, we need teamwork to prevail and selfish interests to cease.
Here are some of the roadblocks to teamwork: Ego. When someone has to be right at all costs and refuses to cooperate or compromise for anything less than their own agenda. The stubbornness that drives people to believe they are right is so commonplace among our species. It develops in an early age and must be checked by responsible adults or it continues.
There is something about people who need to be right all the time that isolates them, but they nonetheless find their way into power. It is the isolation that drives apart the peace process. These individuals live private lives that like Bill Cosby have twists and turns that are ugly to look at in the light of day.
Privacy is a a serious roadblock to teamwork. What must we be hiding if we lead a private life? There is nothing under the sun that hasn't been done before. If we truly value peace than we will value openness and transparency in our lives.
Ambition is a roadblock to teamwork. What in the world are we striving for to become martyrs in our own endeavors. Nothing happens in a vacuum. When someone's actions are mixed with a purpose of rising above the rest, he or she loses the participation of the whole.
Differing values is a roadblock to teamwork. We need to commit to the credence that building happy, satisfying, sustainable living is the most important goal that we share. Only by agreeing on a shared purpose can we begin to value the decisions that must be made to get there.
We can create peace every day in our own communities by inviting neighbors over for dinner, volunteering, buying locally, gardening and generally producing our time for the greater good. If we keep these priorities in focus, we will share peace and teamwork.