Poster of the Goddess of America, James Montgomery Flagg (detail) 1917
(Image by Public domain) Details DMCA
Based on fraudulent conduct by the Democratic National Committee Beck & Lee Trial Lawyers are investigating potential class action claims by donors (DNC).
Many of the people who donated to the Sanders campaign were low income people, some of those who could afford least to donate, but who would benefit most by Sanders' platform, and may be the ones hurt most by the alleged actions of the DNC. But all Americans are affected by this type of political fraud.
Even though many Sanders supporters saw the writing on the wall, it wasn't until June 15 that proof of DNC misconduct was provided by Guccifer 2.0, with the release of documents allegedly hacked from the DNC server. These documents highlighted the supposedly neutral DNC's fraudulent behaviors in supporting one candidate over another in secret, and resulted in former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's immediate dismissal.
The hacked documents strongly suggest that the DNC colluded with Sec. Hillary Clinton's campaign to perpetrate a great fraud on the public.
This class action lawsuit is against the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and any liable affiliated persons and entities.
We are currently exploring legal avenues to include those who donated to Bernie as subclasses encompassed by the lawsuit.
The firm supplies legal papers for review to consider whether to participate, noting, "You must ...formally hire us via a signed attorney-client agreement as you cannot hire us as lawyers through instant messaging or the like." (Note: I did fill out their paperwork for "hiring" the firm, there is no charge, now or later.)
If you have donated to the DNC in the past year (membership dues, through their website or other avenues), the firm writes, "please feel free to contact us for more information."
They can be contacted through their Facebook page.