In an amazingly naked act of tyranny, the Department of Justice has
threatened to cancel flights going to and from Texas if that state's
legislature passed HB 1937-- a bill that would protect the 4th Amendment
rights of Americans traveling by air in Texas by curtailing the power of
TSA agents to grope innocent passengers and making it a "criminal act
for security personnel to touch a person's private areas without
probable cause as a condition of travel or as a condition of entry into a
public place."
Efforts to pass the bill were halted because of this threat.
A letter from U.S. Attorney John E. Murphy to various members of Texas' legislature read:
"If HR [sic] 1937 were enacted, the Federal Government would likely
seek an emergency stay of the statute 'unless or until such a stay were
granted, TSA would likely be required to cancel any flight or series of
flights for which it could not ensure the safety of passengers and
crew.' We urge that you consider the ramifications of this bill before
casting your vote."
(The entire letter can viewed HERE )
This would obviously have serious financial ramifications for the state of Texas and people traveling through there.
To begin with, despite the fact that certain criminals in government have fear mongered and managed to intimidate the nation into accepting submission to their demands, as well as unconstitutional legislation like the Patriot Act, according to the 4th Amendment the Federal Government has no authority to mandate that people undergo invasive searches without reasonable cause. On top of that, states have the individual right to determine what constitutes a sexual assault, meaning that if Texas wants to pass a law telling TSA agents that they can't stick their hands in peoples' pants they have the power to do that.
As Paul Joseph Watson at Prison Planet has properly expressed, this amounts to a U.S. Federal Government blockade of Texas. In fact, it's an act reminiscent of the early days of the American Revolution when the British blockaded Boston Harbor after colonists protested the Tea Act by dressing like Indians and storming a ship, dumping the cargo into the water. However, unlike that incident, the Federal Government's blockade of Texas doesn't even enjoy the superficial excuse of claiming to be a response to an aggressive act of vandalism. Instead it's an act of financial terrorism against a state government for carrying out a legal action designed to uphold basic constitutional protections for all Americans.
During his broadcast on May 25th, radio host Alex Jones called for people in Texas to arrive at the Texas State Capitol and peacefully protest, as well as call local radio and TV stations to report the story. Some early videos from that protest are pasted below.
This has the potential of being a "line in the sand " moment in the battle for 4th Amendment and state rights. If Texas gives in to the demands of federal terrorists trying to ram police state conditioning down Americans' throats, it will only embolden the DOJ, TSA, and White House to increase their threats and up their attacks later on.