The "science delusion" is the belief that science has already understood the nature of reality in principle, leaving only details to be filled in. This is widely believed in our society. People think that they already know what is real, and they cite scientific authority as unquestioned truth.
There's a conflict at the heart of science, between science as a method of inquiry, and the current beliefs of the Science Establishment. The scientific method is the testing of hypotheses, looking at the evidence with an open mind, subject to correction. This is what science ought to be. But for many professional scientists, science has become a belief system, a world-view, sometimes called "scientism". The mechanical view of nature which was so successful in the 19th century and which is the basis of so much technology today is ensconced as a fixed belief system, and those who question it are derided and ostracized--
This despite the fact that quantum mechanics, at the very foundation of science, is explicitly holistic and relational. There can be no objective reality in quantum mechanics, and every event is co-created by the underlying material world and its conscious observer.
A great number of mental phenomena have been carefully documented--telepathy, precognition, out-of-body experiences, what Liz Mayer called Extraordinary Knowing. These are entirely consistent with what quantum mechanics tells us is the fundamental nature of reality; and yet experimental findings of these extra-mechanical mental capacities are routinely dismissed by the mainstream of science as though they were impossible.The mechanistic world-view and reductionist methods have become a quasi-religious belief system. This dogmatism is holding science back.