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Days of Super Lemmings

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John Hawkins
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Days of Super Lemmings

by John Kendall Hawkins

Just the other day I was watching Zombieland. Early on, it depicts a nation gone haywire due to the affliction of zombies biting everyone and turning them, too, into zombies. Basically, it's the same old vampire trope. You get bitten by Vlad and end your days mooning for new blood and taking others down with you; Vlad coming around like a pimp to drain you of that new blood, minus your exiguous needs. Of course, if you wannid oo you could see Vlad as Satan, his corrupt ways unfoldin', from soul to soul, until we are all corrupt and God says to Hell with human projects and abandons us. That's why the crucifix is was so effective -- that and the living daylights scared 'em. And garlic.

Zombieland warns us that the "fatties" will be taken first (I don't go out much) and that that's bad news since so many citizens have made the corporations proud by embodying economic growth -- personally putting on fast food pounds to the point of morbid obesity and its consequences. Here is someone who could be me running from the virus, hopelessly, although it ends well for me, as my headaches of bill payments --especially student loans -- are taken out with me. F U, the virus seems to say to Sally Mae.

But Zombieland is a feel-food film because it's rational in its narrative arc of crazing, and helps to explain in graphic novel-like detail what happens if you get bitten by sumpin ain't altogether alive and ain't altogether dead. Like a virus, which is a parasite, which "sees" you as a host for its meat-injection needs. The beginning of Zombieland shows that if you get bitten in the head by the zombie virus and your brain's all crunched off, why, then you're dead. But if you get nibbled on the knee, say, then you are doomed to do the Satan bug's work. Seek out fresh blood to corrupt and new condos for the pimpish virus to laze around in. Just to add it in, the film stars the Jesse Eisenberg weenie, who did such an effective job depicting the etiology of that other now familiar virus we've been afflicted with, Facebook, now known under its variant name, Meta.

The prevailing message seems to be that we're fucked inside and out. Not dead and not alive viruses looking to occupy our living rooms from the outside. And algorithmic viruses coming at us from the inside and filling our minds with alien sperm laced with intergalactic STDs. (Psst, that's my take not only on the Jan 6 event, but its aftermath among the MSM and legislators.) Yeah, we fucked in the head. Soon we'll be like Octavia Butler's Blood Children -- colonized! How bout them apples!

You can tell we are so effed because even though the latest reports are telling us that Covid-19 has rolled up its Satanic sleeves with Omnicron to get some real work done, we are just ignoring all the warnings by holding another superspreader billion dollar bash event called the Super Bowl. Why? Because it makes money, which is more important than Covid-19 or its variants. (Just ask Big Pharma, Peter Thiel, or Nancy Pelosi.) Here's the opening graph from a recent CDC article:

COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in January 2022 were the highest since the beginning of the pandemic, fueled by the rapid spread of the Omicron variant. As of February 10, 2022, Omicron is still the predominant variant across the country.

Highest since! Lest we forget, and we often do, Americans have suffered more than 900,000 Covid-related deaths so far. Probably, the Super Bowl will get us over the million death goal line. Can you say, Spike Dat Ball?

Professional football games are some of the dirtiest events known in the universe (to cite what's said by scientists about the human body in the film, The Andromeda Strain, which features a now-'impossible' crystal virus, but not if DARPA has any say about that.) The players are huffing and puffing and salivating and screaming at each other and huddling in up-close verbal exchanges, and the fans are screaming their lungs out for three hours -- phlegm flying all over the fuckin place, like something out of Something About Mary, and half the crowd's already infected (with something), and now, the states are removing the mask mandates and it's gonna be back to that crazy scene just before the 2020 election when nobody knew whether they should be wearing masks or nor wearing masks, and folks not wearing 'em were still spittling in the unprotected eyes of those with them, and, once again, Muslim women hiding behind hajibs were laughing as if corona were the real 9/11. Or so it seemed to DJ Trump. Just two guys talking, their words like corona phlegm bullets to be dodged, is a chapter to this mess I thought we were over.

Now you got an event the virus can be given full Eee-haa venting and folks will be gittin on planes affawood and filling the vents with their new zombie gas, and the lovely, and often almost mermaid-like presences, of the stewardesses are victimized by fake feel good spreaders of sin. Goddamn.

Then it's back to whingin'. If only we'd known"

900,000 deaths and climbing. We don't seem to give a sh*t that we have a fifth of the world's deaths from Covid. There's arrogance and insanity built into our capitalist lifestyle that must go out and make the billion dollar bash successful no matter what. Even if it kills us, it's why They hate us, we bumper sticker: They hate us for our freedom. And we like to spread our freedom, our neo-freedom, out neo-liberal feel-good around the globe, ready or not. "Get used to it world," the late and frank CIA super-operative Duane Clarridge once told John Pilger. "We're not gonna put up with any nonsense. If you don't like it: Lump it." This foreign policy feint seems to be the prevailing attitude promulgated by the Right toward the virus and its point spread.

Almost a million people have been taken down by Covid-19, which is shocking enough. But, as with the statistics of war, the real numbers of the cost are missing in everyday reports by the MSM. The so-called Casualties of War. Casualties include not only deaths but long-term lethal effects and disability. It's well-known that just because Covid doesn't kill you doesn't mean that it makes you stronger -- like that Nietzsche pop song suggests. No, there's some serious trauma happening out there. People going crazy and insurrectin' and then gettin' takin' serious may be one sign we're goin' goofy. Everybody says that Covid can make you mental, which explains all the pinger-fointin'.

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John Kendall Hawkins is an American ex-pat freelance journalist and poet currently residing in Oceania.

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