There is a special place in the world for people who constantly lie to others -- who dupe decent but naive folks who trust them, and rely on them to do the right thing. (See photo above.)
You see, career politicians lie and lie. They eventually have no idea they're lying, because they have no idea anymore what the truth is. And they've gotten to the point where they don't care. Everyone knows politicians lie. It's part of the job description. They only stop lying when they take a break to think up new lies. They say exactly what they need to say. To get the job done. They do know what they need to do -- what job needs to get done. But you probably don't.
Because they lie about it.
Lies can be spotted. There are key phrases -- red flags -- we can watch for. Here is a list of them. When you hear a politician say any of these, everything which follows is a lie:
"Trust me when I say . . ."
"I sincerely believe . . ."
"The American people want . . ."
"There is no doubt that . . ."
"I'm proud to announce . . ."
"Thanks for that kind introduction!"
"Good evening!"
"Good afternoon!"
"I'm honored to be here!"
"How are you?"
The Nuremberg Tribunal of 1946 declared that crimes against peace are "the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."
I would make a parallel assessment. Lying is the supreme personal crime, differing from other offensive personal behavior in that it contains within itself the accumulated potential for all other offensive, even criminal, behavior. When a person lies to you, the gateway for every other possible abuse is flung wide open. Humiliation, treachery, sexual abuse, theft, embezzlement, libel, slander, even murder. Would you trust a liar around your children? Would you trust a liar with your house keys? Would you even trust a liar to watch your things while you went to the restroom?
My previous article dealt with how not to deal a with serial killer.
It contains an important lesson.
Understand . . .
Serial killers and career politicians are very similar.
They both have us at their mercy. They both have the power of life and death over us.
They don't play by the same rules as you and I. They are ruthlessly amoral. There may be exceptions to this. But as anomalies, these only confirm the rule.
They both have value systems which exclusively serve their own needs. The only value the serial killer places on human life is the kick he gets from terminating the lives of others. It's about a brutal hedonism and personal power.
The only value career politicians place on the trust and loyalty of their constituents, is how it serves to secure their prestigious jobs in the national limelight, and positions them best serve their deep-pocketed ruling class patrons. It's about job security and personal power. All else is subordinate and thus entirely irrelevant.
In my previous blog, I described in nauseating detail what the serial killer of my narrative did to his victims.
Then I described the idiotic, completely lame, totally ineffective things a community did to try to stop the gruesome violence. Maybe the folks meant well, but they were entirely out of touch with reality to think any of it would be effective.
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