I have already sent a Hail Mary pass to Senator Colllins, so that is why she is not included here. Here is a link to what I sent to Senator Collins
Senator Murkowski, thank you deeply. You are a true shero. We will always remember you and that you voted "no" on Judge Brett Kavanaugh affirmation to the SCOTUS.
Senator Manchin, I tweeted this to you some time ago and here it is again about why you can and must vote "no" on Judge Kavanaugh affirmation to SCOTUS. "For Red-State Democrats, There Is Only One Choice: Vote 'No' on Kavanaugh" "Contrary to the received wisdom, polling shows support for Trump's Supreme Court pick would hurt senators' reelection chances."
By Sean McElwee https://www.thenation.com/
"Talking heads and media pundits have presented the Kavanaugh nomination as a difficult choice for senators like Indiana's Joe Donnelly, North Dakota's Heidi Heitkamp, or West Virginia's Joe Manchin--one that pits rejecting Kavanaugh against keeping their Senate seats. But new data from Demand Justice and YouGov Blue suggests it's a false dichotomy: Kavanaugh does not enjoy majority support of the electorate in any key states; independent and undecided voters don't expect a Kavanaugh vote to affect their election choice; and, perhaps most critically, voting for Kavanaugh risks demobilizing the base Democratic voters red-state senators will need to survive"."Indeed, undecided voters do not consider a senator's stand on Kavanaugh particularly important. More than two-thirds of Indiana voters said the Kavanaugh nomination would have no influence on their choice in the Senate race--and that was the lowest total of the states polled. In Florida, North Dakota, and West Virginia, 80 percent of undecided voters said the battle over Kavanaugh would not affect their decision come November"."If any red-state Democrat is still thinking of voting for him after these very credible sexual-assault allegations, they should expect an intense voter backlash from women and progressives"."As the data make clear, the proffered choice--that red-state Democrats need to support Kavanaugh to keep their jobs--is a false one. Democratic voters want to see their representatives fight for Democratic values; a vote to confirm this far-right jurist could dishearten progressives across the country, and discourage turnout in Senate elections."
It is not too late to change your vote Senator Manchin.
Senator Flake, I hope you have emblazoned on your heart, mind and soul forever the two women, Maria Gallagher and Ana Maria Archila, and what they said to you when they confronted you in an elevator and CNN recorded what they said to you and your looks as they spoke. https://www.washingtonpost.
It is not too late to change your vote Senator Flake.