Burl B. Hall, MA, Meredith S. Hall, PhD
In fostering a "Bottom-Up" culture, we need to take a good hard look at what we have become. In this age of "Top-Down", most of us are under the thumbs of corporations (i.e., their rich owners) and their underling governments. Meanwhile we speak of "Freedom". Guess what? There is no freedom. As George Carlin states of our government and corporations, "we have owners." The owners are those in the top 1-5-10% of income.
For example, how many of us regular people will never "own" a house. Why not? Consider how long we have to carry a mortgage with interest. Usually 30 years! That's twice the length of the indentured servitude of our immigrant forebears. In never paying off a debt, aren't you under the thumbs of the elite who own you? Thus is living in a "Top-Down" schema. We have no power. We "haul sixteen tons and what do (we) get? Another day older and deeper in debt!"
In our world of divide and conquer (Top-Down), we have killed the wholeness of our world and our lives. What we have created is a wasteland in many places. In our world, we polluted land, seas and human beings while mountaintops were removed, and other tragic destruction of our planet and our lives. I am sure the reader can come up with some tragedies in our world.
Where and when did "top-down rule" begin in our world? The beginning of top-down management was referred to in the Judea-Christian-Muslim Bibles inherit in Genesis 2. I am going to try and quiet those who believe that an idiot wrote Genesis.
Adam & Eve 01
(Image by (Not Known) Wikipedia (commons.wikimedia.org), Author: Author Not Given) Details Source DMCA
For many in the radical religions, there was a literal Adam and Eve who were created by a Man-God. I am going to dis that idea. Adam and Eve were human beings in general, who were male and female i.e., they were not individual people. They were a movement within Middle Eastern philosophy and religion. Adam and Eve ultimately manifested in thousands perhaps millions of people living throughout the world.
The Adam and Eve story states that humanity was "cursed". It further said the "Man shall rule over Thee (i.e., women and those of the labor classes in modern days)." In our modern world, Eve is not only a reflection upon women. She is also working men. Thus the curse states, "Your labor will be in pain." And to this day, we continue to fall under the thumbs of today's Adam, be he in the form of a Trump, Clinton, or your top-down supervisor who wants more from you while giving less.
Spiritual stories are most often not literal. They are metaphor. Metaphor is not a lie. Indeed, the term meta literally means great, while phor means sound. In my "Bottom-Up" analysis, the story of Adam and Eve continues to play itself out. And it will continue until we, the people, stop believing in it.
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