Reprinted from Reader Supported News
Almost 500 people have been arrested over two days of protests dubbed Democracy Spring.
(Image by RT America, Channel: RT America) Details DMCA
Democracy Spring flowed into Democracy Awakening for a mass rally and march before a closing day of action when another 300 were arrested, including Ben and Jerry, and Cornell Brooks, the convener of Democracy Awakening and president of the NAACP.
With the leaders of some of the largest political organizations in the country getting arrested at the Capitol, you would have thought the corporate media would be there hoping for a bloodbath. The truth is they were missing in action. Why?
On day 1 of the civil disobedience, Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks explained that the reason the media is ignoring Democracy Spring is that they are part of the establishment. Uygur said the media doesn't want money out of politics because they depend on that money when it is used to buy campaign ads. Uygur declared that while this is just the beginning, they are no longer coming for us, but we are coming for them.
Democracy Spring founder Kai Newkirk told the crowd: "We want a government that is of, by, and for the people -- not the one percent.... And we stood up and sent a message that we are going to win that, one way or another." Newkirk founded the organization 99rise and garnered attention after rising during a Supreme Court session and telling the justices: "I rise on behalf of the vast majority of the American people who believe money is not speech, corporations are not people, and government should not be for sale to the highest bidder. We demand that you overturn Citizens United, keep the cap in McCutcheon, and put an end to corruption. We demand free and fair elections and a real democracy now." Newark also recorded that Supreme Court hearing and illegally posted it online.