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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 9/27/24

Democracy and transparency vs lies and genocide

By Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh  Posted by Peter Barus (about the submitter)   No comments, In Series: Reports from Palestine
Author 6967

Peter Barus
Message Peter Barus

Our scheduled talks are now taking shape. for Ireland, the UK, and the US. You can check this document

Mr. Mahmoud Abbas presented an eloquent speech at the UNGA and got applauded. Thanks to whoever is his speech writer. By contrast, war criminal and genocide lord Netanyahu was almost a persona non grata at the UN. Most delegates of countries chose not to attend or walked out as he walked in (he had brought a few racist Zionists to attend as audience and to cheer him). But these are side shows to an ongoing GENOCIDE. We live ina world where only strength seems understood and the UN has become a hollow chamber where politicians meet to state their positions and the US and great powers continue supporting genocide. Only thing challenging them is non-state actors (guerrilla forces/liberation movements). Abbas will need to do something different than what he was willing to do for the past 15 years: 1) end corruption (starting with his office then the foreign service then down the line, 2) stop hanging on to the golden chair and to the illusion of Oslo, 3) really implement reconciliation and joint work with Hamas and other resistance forces. That would mean no longer holding on to a dictatorial role of deciding the future of the Palestinian struggle by himself while promoting the most incompetent and corrupt people to positions of power. Democracy and transparency are non-negotiable.

Here is an article I wrote about "A Path Forward" in Z Magazine and another on The Importance of Urban Eco-gardens for Biodiversity and Human Sustainability: A Case Study from Palestine

And I just noted this paper published a while ago that I had never mentioned or listed in our publications: Arab American Activism for Palestine. Pp. 279-294 in Diaspora and Identity: the case of Palestine (Mitri Raheb, ed.). Diyar Publisher, Bethlehem.

An Interfaith Dispatch From the West Bank: Rabbis for Ceasefire and Hindus for Human Rights make a peace pilgrimage. (mentions us)

Protecting nature in Palestine

This is Zionism, this is "Israel" Israel shut down Al-Jazeera offices and ripped off pictures of its reporter (US citizen) Shireen Abu Aqla and continues to help the Saudi "AlArabiya" channel spout Zionist propaganda

Matt Nelson just died after setting himself on fire (third person to do so to protest US support of genocide).

Stay Human and keep Palestine alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability Bethlehem University Occupied Palestine
facebook pages Personal Institute

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