The revolutionary events in Iran are picking up so much speed, that it is difficult to keep up with the news.
The "Morality Police" has been absent in the streets for several weeks. However, this morning one of the members of judiciary system announced publicly that these pests are not going to be around anymore.
On the surface this event sounds like a small victory for Iranian women. However. The judiciary is not responsible for the Morality Police. They are an arm of revolutionary guards .Also they are not the only groups of governmental forces who are in civilian clothes continually monitoring the streets for any anti government activities.
For the time being people can enjoy the fact that the clergyman from judiciary would have never made such a claim without authorization of officials much higher than him.
Regarding a totally different matter, the country responding to a call by students for a three day strike celebrating the day of "Students" ignited a general strike in the entire country .
The markets, Bazaars and Small Businesses closed down their stores. It was amazing to hear the names of cities and villages on strike whom were never heard of before. Although, I know the geography of Iran reasonably well, I hear the names of these unknown remote cities with astonishment.
The entire group of truck drivers have been on general strike for several days. Considering the horrible economical problems in Iran due to the sanctions, it is easy to see the terrible effect of these major strikes throughout the country. One can be sure that the runaway inflation is going to get worse, the medical equipment and medications are going to get more difficult to find and expensive.
To realize the extent of economic problem, I should mention that Iranian government cannot pay government employees their full salary. In a situation like this, general strikes are going to be detrimental to the government's stability.